This 3 steps rocket allows you to run kismet under Ubuntu, main purpose it to make the data work for the Heatmap of Wireless Leiden. The GUI is stopped to save batteries during the run. I use an Asus EEE 1000HA, but similar netbooks will do the trick as well. Questions, suggestions of feedback => Enjoy! /Rick van der Zwet INSTALL ------- 1) First make sure to check to get all the data right. 2) Install the latest version ``apt-get install kismet fusedav gpsd mingetty''. 3) Create directory ``mkdir .fusemnt'' USAGE ----- 1) Drop to console (CTRL+ALT+F1) 2) ./ to start scanning. When done scanning press CTRL+C. 3) Connect your laptop using ethernet cable. 4) ./ if you like to use the WL WebDAV as target. 5) ./ to upload the data to the relevant folders.