# Secure to localhost, Apache Webserver is providing an proxy service. BindAddress Port 8090 MaxHTTPConnections 2000 MaxClients 1000 MaxBandwidth 100000 CustomLog /tmp/ffserver.log File /tmp/ijsclub.ffm FileMaxSize 20M Feed ijsclub.ffm VideoGopSize 12 Format ogg VideoFrameRate 15 VideoBitRate 1024 VideoSize 640x368 NoAudio AVOptionVideo flags +global_header AVOptionAudio flags +global_header Feed ijsclub.ffm Format webm #AudioCodec vorbis #AudioBitRate 64 VideoCodec libvpx VideoSize 640x368 VideoFrameRate 15 AVOptionVideo flags +global_header AVOptionAudio flags +global_header PreRoll 15 StartSendOnKey VideoBitRate 400 NoAudio Feed ijsclub.ffm Format flv VideoFrameRate 15 VideoBitRate 1024 VideoSize 640x368 NoAudio AVOptionVideo flags +global_header AVOptionAudio flags +global_header # Will not be needing RTSP for now, could be usefull for more steaming options # RTSPPort 5454 # You can access this stream with the RTSP URL: # rtsp://localhost:5454/ijsclub.mpg # # A non-standard RTSP redirector is also created. Its URL is: # http://localhost:8090/ijsclub.rtsp # # Format rtp # Feed ijsclub.ffm # VideoFrameRate 15 # VideoSize 640x368 # NoAudio # Format status