Little manual to install current eduroam bullet on the Ubnt Bullet m2 Hostmachine: Ubuntu with packages subversion, build-essential, flex, gettext, libz-dev and tftp, libncurses5-dev, ncurses-term, gawk 1. Set a path on which we should install our little build environent export R=~/eduroam 2. Checkout the files we need svn co $R 3. cd into the build directory cd $R/openwrt 4. Build the image ./build 5. 1. If you have a fresh new Air OS install you can upload the following image to your bullet. You will get a message that this is not a ubnt image, you can ignore this message. Just in case be ready to use method 2 (recovery mode) with a ubnt image. $R/openwrt/bin/ar71xx/openwrt-ar71xx-ubnt-bullet-m-squashfs-factory.bin 2. You need a tftp client for this, tested on Ubuntu 10.10 1. First of all, power off the device 2. Set your laptop in the range, not being 3. Connect the Bullet your computer via a utp cable 4. Begin by pressing the reset button. Keep holding, then power the unit on. Wait 8 seconds then release the button. Signal LEDs will be lit indicating that the device is ready for recovery. On your computer 5. cd $R/openwrt/bin/ar71xx/ resp. $R/openwrt/bin/atheros/ 6. tftp 7. bin 8. trace 9. put openwrt-ar71xx-ubnt-bullet-m-squashfs-factory.bin 10. quit 11. Wait for a couple of minutes, your bullet will be reachable on as openwrt 6. Default password: Edur0@m 7. Creating unique vpn info: 1. Make up a fancy name, in this manual it will be 'name' or 2. Login into a certnode (For wl:sunfire) 3. Execute from your own user: sudo eduroam-cert 4. Output will look like: sunfire% sudo eduroam-cert name NOTE: If you run ./clean-all, I will be doing a rm -rf on /usr/local/share/doc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/keys Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key .....++++++ .....................++++++ writing new private key to 'name.key' ----- Using configuration from /usr/local/share/doc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/openssl-0.9.8.cnf Check that the request matches the signature Signature ok The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows countryName :PRINTABLE:'NL' stateOrProvinceName :PRINTABLE:'ZH' localityName :PRINTABLE:'Leiden' organizationName :PRINTABLE:'WL' organizationalUnitName:PRINTABLE:'Techniek' commonName :PRINTABLE:'name' name :PRINTABLE:'WL' emailAddress :IA5STRING:'' Certificate is to be certified until Feb 27 13:32:30 2022 GMT (3650 days) Write out database with 1 new entries Data Base Updated 5. in you home directory there will be a file called .tar, copy this file to a network reachable the bullet locally 6. untar it: tar -xf .tar 7. In the current directory there will now be a folder called keys, cd in to it 8. execeute: sh upload 9. Enter the root password twice, after which your bullet will reboot 10. You bullet will build a vpn connection according to the data in the tar file To add: If something goes wrong I need: the output of the following commands ls -l /usr/sbin/ cat /var/log/openvpn.log ifconfig -a iwconfig