#!/usr/local/bin/perl ### ### -- Nagios plugin for checking HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorage on remote hosts ### use strict; use warnings; use vars qw($VERSION $VERBOSE $PROGNAME $OID_BASE); use lib "/usr/local/libexec/nagios"; use utils qw(%ERRORS $TIMEOUT &print_revision); ## - nagios helpers use Socket qw(inet_aton); ## - hostname lookup use Net::SNMP; $VERSION = 2.11; $PROGNAME = 'check_disk_snmp'; $OID_BASE = '.'; $VERBOSE = 0; sub print_version (); sub print_usage (); sub print_help (); sub croak (;$); sub commify ($); sub shift_argv ($); sub lookup_desc ($;$); my $snmp = q{}; ## - snmp methods my $resp = q{}; ## - snmp response my $host = q{}; ## - host address my $port = 161; ## - snmp port my $comm = 'public'; ## - snmp community my $index = q{}; ## - device index my $desc = q{}; ## - device description my $warn = '85%'; ## - warning threshold my $crit = '90%'; ## - critical threshold my $state = q{}; ## - nagios state my $devDesc = q{}; ## - description oid my $devUnit = q{}; ## - allocation unit oid my $devSize = q{}; ## - size oid my $devUsed = q{}; ## - used oid my $perc = 0; ## - device percent used my $free = 0; ## - device free space my $size = 0; ## - device size my %unit_t = ( ## - units table 'KB' => 1 << 10, 'MB' => 1 << 20, 'GB' => 1 << 30, ); my $unit_desc = 'MB'; ## - unit description my $unit_sz = $unit_t{$unit_desc}; ## - unit size in bytes sub print_version () { ### ### -- display plugin revision print STDOUT "$PROGNAME $VERSION\n"; } sub print_usage () { ### ### -- display usage help print "\nUsage: ${PROGNAME} -H host_address [-s snmp_community]\n", "\t[-p snmp_udp_port] [-d device_description_or_index]\n", "\t[-w warning_threshold] [-c critical_threshold]\n", "\n", "\tConvenience abbreviations:\n", "\tUse single letter [A-Z] device description for windows drive\n", "\tUse \"phys\" device_description for \"Physical Memory\"\n", "\tUse \"real\" device_description for \"Real Memory\"\n", "\tUse \"swap\" device_description for \"Swap Space\"\n", "\tUse \"virt\" device_description for \"Virtual Memory\"\n", "\n"; } sub print_help () { ### ### -- display extended usage help print_revision($PROGNAME, $VERSION); print "\nThis plugin checks the amount of used disk and memory on\n", "remote hosts via snmp query of HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorage\n"; print_usage; print "Options:\n", " -h\n", "\tPrint help detailed help screen\n", " -V\n", "\tPrint version information\n", " -H STRING\n", "\tDotted decimal IP address or fully qualified domain name of host\n", " -p INTEGER\n", "\tUDP port number for SNMP access (default: 161)\n", " -s STRING\n", "\tSNMP community string for host (default: public)\n", " -w INTEGER\n", "\tExit with WARNING if less than INTEGER units are free\n", " -w PERCENT%\n", "\tExit with WARNING if more than PERCENT is used (default: 85%)\n", " -c INTEGER\n", "\tExit with CRITICAL if less than INTEGER units are free\n", " -c PERCENT%\n", "\tExit with CRITICAL if more than PERCENT is used (default: 90%)\n", " -u STRING\n", "\tChoose units: KB, MB, GB or (default: MB)\n", " -d INTEGER\n", "\tSNMP index of device to check\n", " -d STRING\n", "\tSNMP description of device to check (e.g. /var)\n", "\n"; print "Examples:\n", " $PROGNAME -H -s mycommunity -w 85% -c 90% -d /var\n", " # Checks space used on /var, warning at 85%, critical at 90%\n\n", " $PROGNAME -H -s mycommunity -w 90% -c 95% -d C\n", " # Checks space used on C:\\ drive, warning at 90%, critical at 95%\n\n", " $PROGNAME -H -s mycommunity -w 1024 -c 512 -d virt\n", " # Checks free \"Virtual Memory\", warning at 1GB, critical at 512MB\n\n", " $PROGNAME -H -s mycommunity\n", " # Gives a table listing of devices available via SNMP\n\n", "\n"; } sub croak (;$) { ### ### -- display error message and exit print "$_\n" if $_ = shift; exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; } sub shift_argv ($) { ### ### -- get next command line argument my $opt = shift(@_) || return; my $arg = shift(@ARGV); return $arg if defined($arg); croak("CONFIG: missing argument for option: -${opt}"); } sub commify ($) { ### ### -- pretty print numbers as from the perl cookbook my $num = shift; $num = reverse(sprintf('%u', $num)); $num =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g; scalar reverse $num; } sub lookup_desc ($;$) { ### ### -- lookup snmp device index by description my $snmp = shift || return; my $desc = shift || q{}; my $query = join('.', $OID_BASE, '3'); my $resp = $snmp->get_table($query); my $index = q{}; my $letter = q{}; my %table = (); if (!defined($resp)) { croak('SNMP query failed'); } if ($desc =~ /^[A-Za-z]$/o) { ## - drive letter? $letter = uc($desc); if ($VERBOSE) { print "Looking for \"${letter}:\\\" drive\n"; } } if ($VERBOSE && $desc && !$letter) { print "Finding index for \"$desc\"\n"; } foreach (keys %$resp) { $index = substr($_, length($query) + 1); if ($VERBOSE > 1) { print "devDesc $_ => $resp->{$_}\n"; } if (!$desc) { ## - device table list? $table{$index} = $resp->{$_}; next; } if ($resp->{$_} eq $desc) { ## - device desc match? if ($VERBOSE) { print "Matched \"$desc\" as index $index\n"; } return $index; } next unless $letter; if ($resp->{$_} =~ /^${letter}:\\/) { ## - drive letter match? if ($VERBOSE) { print "Matched \"${letter}:\\\" drive as index $index\n"; } return $index; } } if (! $desc) { print "\nIndex\tDescription\n=====\t===========\n"; foreach (sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %table)) { print "$_\t$table{$_}\n"; } croak(); } croak("lookup device-id failed: ${desc}"); } ### parse and qualify arguments ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### if ($#ARGV == -1) { print_usage(); croak(); } while($_ = shift(@ARGV)){ if ($_ !~ s/^\-//o) {unshift(@ARGV, $_); last} ## - well formed arg? if ($_ eq "H") {$host = shift_argv($_); next} if ($_ eq "p") {$port = shift_argv($_); next} if ($_ eq "s") {$comm = shift_argv($_); next} if ($_ eq "w") {$warn = shift_argv($_); next} if ($_ eq "c") {$crit = shift_argv($_); next} if ($_ eq "v") {$VERBOSE++; next} if ($_ eq "V") {print_version(); croak()} if ($_ eq "h") {print_help(); croak()} if ($_ eq "d") { $desc = shift_argv($_) || q{}; $desc = $desc eq 'real' ? 'Real Memory' : $desc eq 'phys' ? 'Physical Memory' : $desc eq 'swap' ? 'Swap Space' : $desc eq 'virt' ? 'Virtual Memory' : $desc; next; } if ($_ eq "u") { $unit_desc = shift_argv($_) || q{}; $unit_desc = uc($unit_desc); if (defined($unit_t{$unit_desc})) { $unit_sz = $unit_t{$unit_desc}; next; } croak("unit type $unit_desc not known"); } croak("CONFIG: unknown option -${_}"); } if ($port !~ /^[0-9]+$/o || $port < 1 || $port > 65535) { croak("CONFIG: invalid port number: ${port}"); } if (! $host) {croak("CONFIG: missing host address")} if (! inet_aton($host)) {croak("CONFIG: bad host address: ${host}")} if ($VERBOSE) {print "\n"} ### create snmp object ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### $snmp = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => $host, -port => $port, -community => $comm, -timeout => int(($TIMEOUT / 3) + 1), -retries => 2, -version => 1, -nonblocking => 0x0 ); if ($VERBOSE) { print "HOST\t$host\nPORT\t$port\nCOMM\t$comm\n"; } if (!defined($snmp)) { croak("create snmp session failed: ${!}") } if ($desc =~ /^[0-9]+$/o) { $index = $desc; } else { $index = lookup_desc($snmp, $desc); } ### create snmp query ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### $devDesc = join('.', $OID_BASE, '3', $index); $devUnit = join('.', $OID_BASE, '4', $index); $devSize = join('.', $OID_BASE, '5', $index); $devUsed = join('.', $OID_BASE, '6', $index); if ($VERBOSE) { print "Getting information for hrStorage.${index}\n"; } $resp = $snmp->get_request( -varbindlist => [$devDesc, $devUnit, $devSize, $devUsed] ); $snmp->close(); croak("SNMP query failed for device-id: ${index}") if ! defined($resp); croak("No size returned for device-id: ${index}") if $resp->{$devSize} < 1; if ($VERBOSE > 1) { print "devDesc $devDesc => $resp->{$devDesc}\n", "devSize $devSize => $resp->{$devSize}\n", "devUsed $devUsed => $resp->{$devUsed}\n", "devUnit $devUnit => $resp->{$devUnit}\n" ; } if ($VERBOSE) { print "\n"; } ### process snmp response ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------### $unit_sz = $unit_sz / $resp->{$devUnit}; $perc = int(($resp->{$devUsed} / $resp->{$devSize}) * 100); $size = sprintf("%0.2f", $resp->{$devSize} / $unit_sz); $free = sprintf("%0.2f", ($resp->{$devSize} - $resp->{$devUsed}) / $unit_sz ); if ($warn =~ /\%$/o || $crit =~ /\%$/o) { $warn =~ s/%$//; $crit =~ s/%$//; $state = $perc >= $crit ? 'CRITICAL' : $perc >= $warn ? 'WARNING' : 'OK'; } else { $state = $free <= $crit ? 'CRITICAL' : $free <= $warn ? 'WARNING' : 'OK'; } if ($free >= 100) {$free = commify(int($free))} if ($size >= 100) {$size = commify(int($size))} print "SNMP $state - ", "$resp->{$devDesc} at ${perc}% with $free of $size $unit_desc free\n"; exit $ERRORS{$state}; ### -- EOF