config = new Config_Model(); $this->config->read_config(); $this->auth = new Auth_Model(); } /* * Get All Special Templates * */ public function getSpecialTemplates(){ $conf = $this->config->conf; $templates = array(); if (is_dir($conf['special_template_dir'])){ if ($dh = opendir($conf['special_template_dir'])) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file == "." || $file == "..") continue; if (!preg_match("/(.*)\.php$/", $file, $template)) continue; $templates[] = $template[1]; } } } if(sizeof($templates) > 0){ sort($templates); return $templates; }else{ return FALSE; } } public function getFirstSpecialTemplate(){ $templates = $this->getSpecialTemplates(); if($templates === FALSE){ return FALSE; }else{ return $templates[0]; } } /* * * */ public function getHosts() { $hosts = array(); $conf = $this->config->conf; $i = 0; if (is_dir($conf['rrdbase'])) { if ($dh = opendir($conf['rrdbase'])) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file == "." || $file == ".." || $file == ".pnp-internal") continue; if (is_file($conf['rrdbase'] . "/" . $file) ) continue; if($this->auth->is_authorized($file) === FALSE) continue; $stat = stat($conf['rrdbase'] . "/" . $file); $age = (time() - $stat['mtime']); $hosts[$i]['name'] = $file; $hosts[$i]['sort'] = strtoupper($file); if ($age < $conf['max_age']) { $hosts[$i]['state'] = 'active'; } else { $hosts[$i]['state'] = 'inactive'; } $i++; } closedir($dh); } else { throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Perfdata Dir', "Can not open $path"); } } if(sizeof($hosts)>0){ # Obtain a list of columns foreach ($hosts as $key => $row) { $sort[$key] = $row['sort']; } # Sort the data with volume descending, edition ascending # Add $data as the last parameter, to sort by the common key array_multisort($sort, SORT_ASC, $hosts); }else{ throw new Kohana_Exception('error.perfdata-dir-empty', $conf['rrdbase'] ); } return $hosts; } /* * * */ function getRawServices($hostname) { $services = array (); $host = array(); $conf = $this->config->conf; $i = 0; $path = $conf['rrdbase'] . $hostname; if (is_dir($path)) { if ($dh = opendir($path)) { while ( ($file = readdir($dh) ) !== false) { if ($file == "." || $file == "..") continue; if (!preg_match("/(.*)\.xml$/", $file, $servicedesc)) continue; $fullpath = $path . "/" . $file; $stat = stat("$fullpath"); $age = (time() - $stat['mtime']); $state = "active"; if ($age > $conf['max_age']) { # 6Stunden $state = "inactive"; } $services[$i]['state'] = $state; $services[$i]['name'] = $servicedesc[1]; $i++; } } }else{ throw new Kohana_Exception('error.perfdata-dir-for-host', $path, $hostname ); } if( is_array($services) && sizeof($services) > 0){ # Obtain a list of columns foreach ($services as $key => $row) { $sort[$key] = $row['name']; } # Sort the data with volume descending, edition ascending # Add $data as the last parameter, to sort by the common key array_multisort($sort, SORT_STRING, $services); }else{ throw new Kohana_Exception('', $path, $hostname ); } return $services; } /* * * */ function getServices($hostname) { $services = array (); $host = array(); $i = 0; $service_list = $this->getRawServices($hostname); foreach( $service_list as $s ){ if(!$this->readXML($hostname, $s['name'], FALSE)){ continue; } if($s['name'] == "_HOST_"){ // Check authorization if($this->auth->is_authorized((string) $this->XML->NAGIOS_AUTH_HOSTNAME, "_HOST_") === FALSE) continue; $host[0]['name'] = "_HOST_"; $host[0]['hostname'] = (string) $this->XML->NAGIOS_HOSTNAME; $host[0]['state'] = $s['state']; $host[0]['servicedesc'] = "Host Perfdata"; $host[0]['is_multi'] = (string) $this->XML->DATASOURCE[0]->IS_MULTI[0]; }else{ // Check authorization if($this->auth->is_authorized((string) $this->XML->NAGIOS_AUTH_HOSTNAME, (string) $this->XML->NAGIOS_AUTH_SERVICEDESC) === FALSE ) continue; $services[$i]['name'] = $s['name']; // Sorting check_multi if( (string) $this->XML->NAGIOS_MULTI_PARENT == ""){ $services[$i]['sort'] = strtoupper($s['name']); }else{ $services[$i]['sort'] = strtoupper((string) $this->XML->NAGIOS_MULTI_PARENT); $services[$i]['sort'] .= (string) $this->XML->DATASOURCE[0]->IS_MULTI[0]; $services[$i]['sort'] .= strtoupper($s['name']); } $services[$i]['state'] = $s['state']; $services[$i]['hostname'] = (string) $this->XML->NAGIOS_DISP_HOSTNAME; $services[$i]['servicedesc'] = (string) $this->XML->NAGIOS_DISP_SERVICEDESC; $services[$i]['is_multi'] = (string) $this->XML->DATASOURCE[0]->IS_MULTI[0]; } $i++; } #print Kohana::debug($services); if( is_array($services) && sizeof($services) > 0){ # Obtain a list of columns foreach ($services as $key => $row) { $sort[$key] = $row['sort']; } # Sort the data with volume descending, edition ascending # Add $data as the last parameter, to sort by the common key array_multisort($sort, SORT_STRING, $services); } if(is_array($host) && sizeof($host) > 0 ){ array_unshift($services, $host[0]); } return $services; } /* * * */ public function getFirstService($hostname) { $conf = $this->config->conf; $services = $this->getServices($hostname); foreach ($services as $srv) { if ($srv['state'] == "active" ) { break; } } if(sizeof($srv) == 0){ throw new Kohana_Exception('error.get-first-service', $hostname ); } return $srv['name']; } /* * * */ public function getFirstHost() { $conf = $this->config->conf; $hosts = $this->getHosts(); foreach ($hosts as $host) { if ($host['state'] == "active" ) { break; } } if(sizeof($host) == 0){ throw new Kohana_Exception('error.get-first-host'); } return $host['name']; } /* * * */ public function readXML ($hostname, $servicedesc, $throw_exception=TRUE){ $conf = $this->config->conf; $this->XML = array(); $this->MACRO = array(); $this->MACRO['AUTH_SERVICEDESC'] = ''; $this->MACRO['AUTH_HOSTNAME'] = ''; $this->DS = array(); $xml = array(); $xmlfile = $conf['rrdbase'].$hostname."/".$servicedesc.".xml"; if (file_exists($xmlfile)) { $xml = simplexml_load_file($xmlfile); // Throw excaption without a valid structure version if(!isset($xml->XML->VERSION) && $throw_exception == TRUE){ throw new Kohana_Exception('error.xml-structure-without-version-tag',$xmlfile); } if(!isset($xml->XML->VERSION) && $throw_exception == FALSE){ return FALSE; } foreach ( $xml as $key=>$val ){ if(preg_match('/^NAGIOS_(.*)$/', $key, $match)){ #print $match[1]." => ".$val."\n"; $key = $match[1]; $this->MACRO[$key] = (string) $val; } } $i=0; foreach ( $xml->DATASOURCE as $datasource ){ foreach ( $datasource as $key=>$val){ #print "$key => $val\n"; #$$key[$i] = (string) $val; $this->DS[$i][$key] = (string) $val; } $i++; } $this->XML = $xml; return TRUE; }else{ throw new Kohana_Exception('error.xml-not-found', $xmlfile); } } /* * * */ public function buildDataStruct ($host = FALSE, $service = FALSE, $view = NULL, $source = NULL){ if($host === FALSE && $service === FALSE){ return FALSE; } $conf = $this->config->conf; /* * Special templates without Host/Service */ if($host == '__special' ){ // $service contains the template name $this->includeTemplate($service,'special'); }else{ if( $this->readXML($host,$service) == FALSE ){ throw new Kohana_Exception('error.xml-not-found', "Undefined error"); return false; } $this->includeTemplate($this->DS[0]['TEMPLATE']); } if(isset($this->TIMERANGE['type']) && $this->TIMERANGE['type'] == "start-end"){ $view = intval($view); $i=0; foreach( $this->RRD['def'] as $key=>$val){ if( ! is_null($source) && $source != $key ){ continue; } $tmp_struct = array(); $tmp_struct['LEVEL'] = $i; $tmp_struct['VIEW'] = $view; $tmp_struct['TEMPLATE_FILE'] = $this->TEMPLATE_FILE;; $tmp_struct['SOURCE'] = $key; $tmp_struct['RRD_CALL'] = $this->TIMERANGE['cmd'] . " ". $this->RRD['opt'][$key] . " " . $this->RRD['def'][$key]; $tmp_struct['TIMERANGE'] = $this->TIMERANGE; $tmp_struct['GRAPH_WIDTH'] = $this->getGraphDimensions('width', $tmp_struct['RRD_CALL']); $tmp_struct['GRAPH_HEIGHT'] = $this->getGraphDimensions('height', $tmp_struct['RRD_CALL']); if(isset($this->RRD['ds_name'][$key]) ){ $tmp_struct['ds_name'] = $this->RRD['ds_name'][$key]; }elseif(array_key_exists($i, $this->DS)){ $tmp_struct['ds_name'] = $this->DS[$i]['NAME']; }else{ $tmp_struct['ds_name'] = "UNDEF"; } $tmp_struct['MACRO'] = $this->MACRO; if(isset($this->XML->XML->VERSION)){ $tmp_struct['VERSION'] = pnp::xml_version_check( (string) $this->XML->XML->VERSION); }else{ $tmp_struct['VERSION'] = pnp::xml_version_check("0"); } $this->addToDataStruct($tmp_struct); $i++; } return; } if( $view == ""){ $v = 0; foreach($this->config->views as $view_key=>$view_val){ $i=0; foreach( $this->RRD['def'] as $key=>$val){ if( ! is_null($source) && $source != $key ){ continue; } $tmp_struct = array(); $tmp_struct['LEVEL'] = $i; $tmp_struct['VIEW'] = $view_key; $tmp_struct['TEMPLATE_FILE'] = $this->TEMPLATE_FILE;; $tmp_struct['SOURCE'] = $key; $tmp_struct['RRD_CALL'] = $this->TIMERANGE[$v]['cmd'] . " " . $this->RRD['opt'][$key] . " " . $this->RRD['def'][$key]; $tmp_struct['GRAPH_WIDTH'] = $this->getGraphDimensions('width', $tmp_struct['RRD_CALL']); $tmp_struct['GRAPH_HEIGHT'] = $this->getGraphDimensions('height', $tmp_struct['RRD_CALL']); if(isset($this->RRD['ds_name'][$key]) ){ $tmp_struct['ds_name'] = $this->RRD['ds_name'][$key]; }elseif(array_key_exists($i, $this->DS)){ $tmp_struct['ds_name'] = $this->DS[$i]['NAME']; }else{ $tmp_struct['ds_name'] = "UNDEF"; } $tmp_struct['TIMERANGE'] = $this->TIMERANGE[$v]; $tmp_struct['MACRO'] = $this->MACRO; if(isset($this->XML->XML->VERSION)){ $tmp_struct['VERSION'] = pnp::xml_version_check( (string) $this->XML->XML->VERSION); }else{ $tmp_struct['VERSION'] = pnp::xml_version_check("0"); } $this->addToDataStruct($tmp_struct); $i++; } $v++; } }else{ $view = intval($view); $i=0; foreach( $this->RRD['def'] as $key=>$val){ if( ! is_null($source) && $source != $key ){ continue; } $tmp_struct = array(); $tmp_struct['LEVEL'] = $i; $tmp_struct['VIEW'] = $view; $tmp_struct['TEMPLATE_FILE'] = $this->TEMPLATE_FILE;; $tmp_struct['SOURCE'] = $key; $tmp_struct['RRD_CALL'] = $this->TIMERANGE[$view]['cmd'] . " ". $this->RRD['opt'][$key] . " " . $this->RRD['def'][$key]; $tmp_struct['TIMERANGE'] = $this->TIMERANGE[$view]; $tmp_struct['GRAPH_WIDTH'] = $this->getGraphDimensions('width', $tmp_struct['RRD_CALL']); $tmp_struct['GRAPH_HEIGHT'] = $this->getGraphDimensions('height', $tmp_struct['RRD_CALL']); if(isset($this->RRD['ds_name'][$key]) ){ $tmp_struct['ds_name'] = $this->RRD['ds_name'][$key]; }elseif(array_key_exists($i, $this->DS)){ $tmp_struct['ds_name'] = $this->DS[$i]['NAME']; }else{ $tmp_struct['ds_name'] = "UNDEF"; } $tmp_struct['MACRO'] = $this->MACRO; if(isset($this->XML->XML->VERSION)){ $tmp_struct['VERSION'] = pnp::xml_version_check( (string) $this->XML->XML->VERSION); }else{ $tmp_struct['VERSION'] = pnp::xml_version_check("0"); } $this->addToDataStruct($tmp_struct); $i++; } } } /* * * */ private function addToDataStruct ($data=FALSE) { if($data === FALSE) return FALSE; array_push($this->STRUCT, $data); } /* * * */ private function includeTemplate($template=FALSE,$type='normal'){ if($template===FALSE){ return FALSE; } $this->RRD = array(); /* * Normal PNP Templates */ if($type == 'normal'){ $template_file = $this->findTemplate( $template ); $this->TEMPLATE_FILE = $template_file; $hostname = $this->MACRO['HOSTNAME']; $servicedesc = $this->MACRO['SERVICEDESC']; $TIMERANGE = $this->TIMERANGE; }elseif($type == 'special'){ $template_file = $this->findTemplate( $template, $type ); $TIMERANGE = $this->TIMERANGE; } $def = FALSE; $opt = FALSE; $ds_name = FALSE; /* * 0.4.x Template compatibility */ foreach($this->DS as $key=>$val ){ $key++; foreach(array_keys($val) as $tag){ ${$tag}[$key] = $val[$tag]; } } foreach($this->MACRO as $key=>$val ){ ${"NAGIOS_".$key} = $val; } if(isset($RRDFILE[1])){ $rrdfile = $RRDFILE[1]; } // Include template if($template_file == FALSE){ throw new Kohana_Exception(''); }else{ ob_start(); include($template_file); ob_end_clean(); } // Compatibility for very old Templates if(!is_array($def) && $def != FALSE){ $tmp[1] = $def; $def = $tmp; } if(!is_array($opt) && $opt != FALSE){ $tmp[1] = $opt; $opt = $tmp; } if(!is_array($ds_name) && $ds_name != FALSE){ $tmp[1] = $ds_name; $ds_name = $tmp; } // if($def != FALSE){ $this->RRD['def'] = $this->array_reindex($def); }else{ throw new Kohana_Exception('error.template-without-def', $template_file); } if($opt != FALSE ){ $this->RRD['opt'] = $this->array_reindex($opt); }else{ throw new Kohana_Exception('error.template-without-opt', $template_file); } if( $ds_name != FALSE ){ $this->RRD['ds_name'] = $this->array_reindex($ds_name); } return TRUE; } # # # private function getGraphDimensions($search, $command){ if($search == 'width'){ if(preg_match_all('/(-w|--width|--width=)\s([0-9]+)\s/i',$command,$match)){ $value = array_pop($match[2]); return $value; }else{ return $this->config->conf['graph_width']; } } if($search == 'height'){ if(preg_match_all('/(-h|--height|--height=)\s([0-9]+)\s/i',$command,$match)){ $value = array_pop($match[2]); return $value; }else{ return $this->config->conf['graph_height']; } } return FALSE; } # # # private function array_reindex($data){ $i=0; foreach($data as $d){ $tmp[$i] = $d; $i++; } return $tmp; } /* * * */ public function findTemplate($template,$type='normal'){ $conf = $this->config->conf; /* * Normal templates */ if($type == 'normal'){ // Build a list of directories to search for templates $template_dirs = array(); if(array_key_exists('template_dirs', $this->config->conf)){ foreach($this->config->conf['template_dirs'] as $dir){ $template_dirs[] = $dir; } } foreach(Kohana::config('core.template_dirs') as $dir){ $template_dirs[] = $dir; } #throw new Kohana_Exception(print_r($template_dirs,TRUE)); foreach($template_dirs as $dir){ $match = $this->findRecursiveTemplate($template,$dir); if($match != FALSE){ return $match; } } /* * Fallback to default templates */ foreach($template_dirs as $dir){ $match = $this->findRecursiveTemplate('default',$dir); if($match != FALSE){ return $match; } } return FALSE; } /* * Special Templates */ if($type == 'special'){ if (is_readable($conf['special_template_dir'] . '/' . $template . '.php')) { $template_file = $conf['special_template_dir'].'/' . $template . '.php'; }else{ throw new Kohana_Exception("Special Template '$template' not found"); } return $template_file; } } /* * * */ function findRecursiveTemplate($template, $dir) { if(!is_readable($dir)){ return FALSE; } $template_file = ""; $r_template_file = ""; $r_template = ""; $recursive = explode("_", $template); if($this->config->conf['enable_recursive_template_search'] == 1){ $i = 0; foreach ($recursive as $value) { if ($i == 0) { $r_template = $value; } else { $r_template = $r_template . '_' . $value; } $file = $dir . '/' . $r_template . '.php'; if (is_readable($file)) { $r_template_file = $file; } $i++; } if($r_template_file != ""){ return $r_template_file; }else{ return FALSE; } }else{ $file = $dir . '/' . $template . '.php'; if (is_readable($file)) { return $file; }else{ return FALSE; } } } public function getTimeRange($start=FALSE ,$end=FALSE ,$view="") { if($end != FALSE){ // we are in a custom timerange if(!is_numeric($end)){ $timestamp = strtotime($end); if(!$timestamp){ throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Wrong Format', "$end"); }else{ $end = $timestamp; } } }else{ $end = time(); } if($start != FALSE ){ // we are in a custom timerange if(!is_numeric($start)){ $timestamp = strtotime($start); if(!$timestamp){ throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Wrong Format', "Start -> $start"); }else{ $start = $timestamp; } } } if($start && $end){ $timerange['title'] = Kohana::lang('common.timerange-selector-link'); $timerange['start'] = $start; $timerange['f_start'] = date($this->config->conf['date_fmt'],$start); $timerange['end'] = $end; $timerange['f_end'] = date($this->config->conf['date_fmt'],$end); $timerange['cmd'] = " --start $start --end $end "; $timerange['type'] = "start-end"; $this->TIMERANGE = $timerange; return; } $view=intval( pnp::clean($view) ); if($view >= sizeof($this->config->views)){ $view = 1; } if(!$end){ $end = time(); }elseif(!is_numeric($end)){ $timestamp = strtotime($end); if(!$timestamp){ throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Wrong Format', "$end"); }else{ $end = $timestamp; } }else{ $end = $end; } if(!$start){ $start = ( $end - $this->config->views[$view]['start']); }elseif(!is_numeric($start)){ $timestamp = strtotime($start); if(!$timestamp){ throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Wrong Format', "$start"); }else{ $start = $timestamp; } }else{ $start = pnp::clean($start); } if($start >= $end){ //Fixme i18n throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Wrong Timerange', "start >= end"); } $timerange['title'] = $this->config->views[$view]['title']; $timerange['start'] = $start; $timerange['f_start'] = date($this->config->conf['date_fmt'],$start); $timerange['end'] = $end; $timerange['f_end'] = date($this->config->conf['date_fmt'],$end); $timerange['cmd'] = " --start $start --end $end "; $timerange['type'] = "views"; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->config->views); $i++) { $timerange[$i]['title'] = $this->config->views[$i]['title']; $timerange[$i]['start'] = $end - $this->config->views[$i]['start']; $timerange[$i]['f_start'] = date($this->config->conf['date_fmt'],$end - $this->config->views[$i]['start']); $timerange[$i]['end'] = $end; $timerange[$i]['f_end'] = date($this->config->conf['date_fmt'],$end); $timerange[$i]['cmd'] = " --start " . ($end - $this->config->views[$i]['start']) . " --end $end" ; } $this->TIMERANGE = $timerange; } public function buildPageStruct($page,$view){ $servicelist = array(); $this->parse_page_cfg($page); $hosts = $this->getHostsByPage(); # No regex so we keep the order defined by config if($this->PAGE_DEF['use_regex'] == 0){ #loop through page definitions foreach($this->PAGE_GRAPH as $graph){ $hosts_to_search_for = explode(",", $graph['host_name']); foreach($hosts_to_search_for as $host){ if(in_array($host, $hosts)){ $services = $this->getServices($host); foreach($services as $service) { // search for definition $data = $this->filterServiceByPage($host,$service); if($data){ $servicelist[] = array( 'host' => $host, 'service' => $service['name'], 'source' => $data['source']); } } } } } }else{ foreach($hosts as $host){ $services = $this->getServices($host); foreach($services as $service) { // search for definition $data = $this->filterServiceByPage($host,$service); if($data){ $servicelist[] = array( 'host' => $host, 'service' => $service['name'], 'source' => $data['source']); } } } } #print Kohana::debug($servicelist); if(sizeof($servicelist) > 0 ){ foreach($servicelist as $s){ $this->buildDataStruct($s['host'],$s['service'],$view,$s['source']); } }else{ $this->ERROR = "ERROR: ". Kohana::lang('', $page.".cfg" ); } } public function parse_page_cfg($page){ $page_cfg = $this->config->conf['page_dir'].$page.".cfg"; if(is_readable($page_cfg)){ $data = file($page_cfg); }else{ throw new Kohana_Exception('', $page.".cfg" ); } $l = 0; $line = ""; $tag = ""; $inside=0; $this->PAGE_DEF['page_name'] = 'UNDEF'; $this->PAGE_DEF['use_regex'] = 0; $this->PAGE_GRAPH = array(); $allowed_tags = array("page", "graph"); foreach($data as $line){ if(preg_match('/(^#|^;)/',$line)) { continue; } preg_match('/define\s+(\w+)\W+{/' ,$line, $tag); if(isset($tag[1]) && in_array($tag[1],$allowed_tags)){ $inside = 1; $t = $tag[1]; $l++; continue; } if(preg_match('/\s?(\w+)\s+([^#]+)(#.*)?$/',$line, $key) && $inside == 1){ $k=strtolower($key[1]); $v=$key[2]; if($t=='page'){ $this->PAGE_DEF[$k] = trim($v); }elseif($t=='graph'){ $this->PAGE_GRAPH[$l][$k] = trim($v); } } if(preg_match('/}/',$line)){ $inside=0; $t = ""; continue; } } } /* * */ public function getHostsByPage(){ $hosts = $this->getHosts(); $new_hosts = array(); foreach( $hosts as $host){ if($host['state'] == "inactive"){ continue; } if($tmp = $this->filterHostByPage($host['name'])){ $new_hosts[] = $tmp; } } return $new_hosts; } /* * */ private function filterHostByPage($host){ if(isset($this->PAGE_DEF['use_regex']) && $this->PAGE_DEF['use_regex'] == 1){ // Search Host by regex foreach( $this->PAGE_GRAPH as $g ){ if(isset($g['host_name']) && preg_match('/'.$g['host_name'].'/',$host)){ return $host; } } }else{ foreach( $this->PAGE_GRAPH as $g ){ $hosts_to_search_for = explode(",", $g['host_name']); if(isset($g['host_name']) && in_array($host ,$hosts_to_search_for) ){ return $host; } } } return FALSE; } private function filterServiceByPage($host,$service){ $data = array(); if(isset($this->PAGE_DEF['use_regex']) && $this->PAGE_DEF['use_regex'] == 1){ // Search Host by regex foreach( $this->PAGE_GRAPH as $g ){ if(isset($g['host_name']) && preg_match('/'.$g['host_name'].'/',$host)){ if(isset($g['service_desc']) && preg_match('/'.$g['service_desc'].'/',$service['name'])){ $data['service_desc'] = $g['service_desc']; $data['host_name'] = $g['host_name']; $data['source'] = NULL; // if we only want a single image if(isset($g['source'])){ $this->readXML($host,$service['name']); $this->includeTemplate($this->DS[0]['TEMPLATE']); $source = intval($g['source']); if(array_key_exists($source,$this->RRD['def'])){ $data['source'] = $source; } } return $data; } } } }else{ foreach( $this->PAGE_GRAPH as $g ){ $hosts_to_search_for = explode(",", $g['host_name']); $services_to_search_for = explode(",", $g['service_desc']); if(isset($g['host_name']) && in_array($host ,$hosts_to_search_for) ){ if(isset($g['service_desc']) && in_array($service['name'] ,$services_to_search_for) ){ $data['service_desc'] = $g['service_desc']; $data['host_name'] = $g['host_name']; $data['source'] = NULL; // if we only want a single image if(isset($g['source'])){ $this->readXML($host,$service['name']); $this->includeTemplate($this->DS[0]['TEMPLATE']); $source = intval($g['source']); if(array_key_exists($source,$this->RRD['def'])){ $data['source'] = $source; } } return $data; } } } } return FALSE; } /* * */ public function getPages() { $pages = array(); if (is_dir($this->config->conf['page_dir'])) { if ($dh = opendir($this->config->conf['page_dir'])) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if(preg_match('/(.*)\.cfg$/',basename($file),$page)){ $pages[] = urlencode($page[1]); } } closedir($dh); } else { die("Cannot open directory: $path"); } } if(sizeof($pages)>0){ natsort($pages); }else{ return FALSE; } return $pages; } /* * */ public function getFirstPage(){ $pages = $this->getPages(); if(sizeof($pages) > 0 ){ return urldecode($pages[0]); }else{ return FALSE; } } /* * */ public function getPageDetails($page){ $this->parse_page_cfg($page); return $this->PAGE_DEF['page_name']; } /* * */ public function buildXport($host,$service){ // FIXME add max rows to config $this->XPORT = " -m 2000"; $this->XPORT .= " --start=".$this->TIMERANGE['start']; $this->XPORT .= " --end=".$this->TIMERANGE['end']; $this->readXML($host,$service); $count = 0; $RRAs = array('MIN','MAX','AVERAGE'); foreach($this->DS as $key=>$value){ foreach($RRAs as $RRA){ $this->XPORT .= sprintf(" DEF:%d%s=%s:%d:%s ",$count,$RRA,$value['RRDFILE'],$value['DS'],$RRA); $this->XPORT .= sprintf(" XPORT:%d%s:%s_%s " ,$count,$RRA,$value['NAME'],$RRA); } $count++; } } /* * */ public function xml2csv($string){ $xml = simplexml_load_string($string); $csv = "timestamp"; foreach($xml->meta->legend->entry as $key=>$value){ $csv .= ";" . $value ; } $csv .= "\n"; foreach($xml->data->row as $key=>$value){ $csv .= (string) $value->t ; foreach($value->v as $item){ $csv .= ";".floatval((string) $item); } $csv .= "\n"; } return $csv; } /* * * Used in Special Templates to gather data */ public function tplGetData ($hostname, $servicedesc, $throw_exception=TRUE){ $conf = $this->config->conf; $xmlfile = $conf['rrdbase'].$hostname."/".$servicedesc.".xml"; $data = array(); if (file_exists($xmlfile)) { $xml = simplexml_load_file($xmlfile); // Throw excaption without a valid structure version if(!isset($xml->XML->VERSION) && $throw_exception == TRUE){ throw new Kohana_Exception('error.xml-structure-without-version-tag',$xmlfile); } if(!isset($xml->XML->VERSION) && $throw_exception == FALSE){ return FALSE; } foreach ( $xml as $key=>$val ){ if(preg_match('/^NAGIOS_(.*)$/', $key, $match)){ $key = $match[1]; $data['MACRO'][$key] = (string) $val; } } $i=0; foreach ( $xml->DATASOURCE as $datasource ){ foreach ( $datasource as $key=>$val){ $data['DS'][$i][$key] = (string) $val; } $i++; } return $data; }else{ throw new Kohana_Exception('error.xml-not-found', $xmlfile); } } /* * * Used in Special Templates to gather data */ public function tplGetServices ($hostregex=FALSE, $serviceregex = ''){ if($hostregex === FALSE){ return FALSE; } $hostregex = sprintf("/%s/",$hostregex); $serviceregex = sprintf("/%s/",$serviceregex); $hosts = $this->getHosts(); $new_hosts = array(); foreach( $hosts as $host){ if(preg_match($hostregex,$host['name'])){ $new_hosts[] = $host['name']; } } if(sizeof($new_hosts) == 0){ throw new Kohana_Exception('error.tpl-no-hosts-found', $hostregex); } $i = 0; $new_services = array(); foreach($new_hosts as $host){ $services = $this->getRawServices($host); if(sizeof($services) == 0){ throw new Kohana_Exception('error.tpl-no-services-found', $serviceregex); } foreach($services as $service){ if(preg_match($serviceregex, $service['name'])){ $new_services[$i]['hostname'] = $host; $new_services[$i]['host'] = $host; $new_services[$i]['service_description'] = $service['name']; $new_services[$i]['service'] = $service['name']; $i++; } } } if(sizeof($new_services) == 0){ throw new Kohana_Exception('error.tpl-no-services-found', $serviceregex); } return $new_services; } }