The work on the new version 0.6.x is in full progress.
Starting with version 0.6.x we switch from subversion to GIT. The sourcecode is already available on sourceforge.
Functions implemented already
Javascript-functions using
jQuery plugins will be able to use one RRD database per datasource
improved installer. Specification of directory layouts using –with-layout
RRDtool errors are now displayed as images. no more missing images
PNP templates cannot overwrite internal variables anymore
PNP templates of version 0.4.x can still be used
Template default.php optimized
Export from RRD databases into
XML, CSV and JSON format using the RRDtool “xport” function
Page functions recoded
Error pages links to online
Mouseover Popup in Nagios frontend via jQuery.clueTip plugin
Full support of rrdcached
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