If everything went well until now you can try to call PNP using your web browser.
When using the installation with default values PNP should be called using http://<server name>/pnp4nagios/.
The first time you will see a page “PNP4Nagios Environment Tests” which includes different checks of necessary components. Obviously all checks have to be passed successfully before you can proceed. Please follow the instructions given on that page.
If all tests have passed *successfully* the file pnp4nagios/share/install.php can be deleted or renamed. Not till then the web interface is reachable.
Alternatively you can create a file called pnp4nagios/share/install.ignore
which will prevent the call of the installer after further updates.
If you receive the message “PHP magic_quotes_gpc is deprecated” then please locate your php.ini
and set the value to Off
Called without any arguments PNP looks for RRD and XML files in pnp4nagios/var/perfdata and shows all graphs of the first host.
ATTENTION: Immediately after (re-)starting Nagios after you enabled the processing of performance data you will get error messages in your browser because performance data has to be collected and stored in RRD files. Depending on the check interval you are using you have to wait some time before you can view the first graphs.
Calling make install-config
during installation will create a sample config file etc/process_perfdata.cfg-sample
. The values in the sample file will correspond to the defaults used by process_perfdata.pl
so normally you do not have a file called process_perfdata.cfg
while running the procedure.
However you can influence the way process_perfdata.pl
works by changing options which have to be specified in process_perfdata.cfg
The most important options launching PNP are LOG_LEVEL and LOG_FILE. We recommend setting the LOG_LEVEL
value to “2” so you can track what process_perfdata.pl will do.
Most likely we will ask for excerpts from perfdata.log if you open a support request on the mailing lists as well as the output of the verify_pnp_config script so please provide them .
During normal operation the debug level should be set to 0 to avoid performance issues due to unnecessary entries in the log file.
Some basic settings should be checked
1. Have any RRD and XML files been created?
will create a new directory under pnp/perfdata for every host. In this directory an RRD database and an XML file will be created for every service. The host data will be stored in _HOST_.xml
and _HOST_.rrd
If graphing stops out of a sudden then open the appropriate XML file. There are two tags called <RC> and <TXT>. <RC> shows the return code of the RRDtool update and <TXT> a textual description.
Sometimes you have to specify additional options so that performance data is produced. In some cases a wrapper script might help.
However not all checks provide performance data. That applies - among others - to “check_ping” in contrast to “check_icmp” which does provide data (starting with Nagios plugin version 1.4.12 check_ping does provide performance data).
Using the web interface the detail information of hosts/services shows a field “Performance Data”. If it is empty there is no data available so no files are written to the appropriate directory and that is why PNP does not provide you with graphs!
The following image shows the information of a “PING” service. The output of the plugin is surrounded by a blue border, the performance data by a red one.
2. Has nagios called process_perfdata.pl
In the config file for process_perfdata.pl (etc/process_perfdata.cfg
) you can increase the debug level. Data processing will be logged in var/perfdata.log
3. Graphs are shown without text? Have a look at the requirements.
4. Using the npcdmod module the value of the nagios.cfg directive event_broker_options
may have to be adapted if it was modified. You'll find some details here.
5. You can use the script verify_pnp_config.pl in the scripts
directory of the installation folder or the libexec
folder after installation to check your settings and if performance data is present and/or valid. The syntax is quite simple for that:
./verify_pnp_config.pl -m <mode>
whereas <mode>
is one of “sync”, “bulk” or “npcd” (without quotes). Please note that using “default” will select “npcd” which is different from the behaviour in PNP 0.4.x.