#!/usr/bin/env python # vim:ts=2:et:sw=2:ai # # Find shortest path for SSH multiple access in case of broken routing # # .bashrc snippet # function _listnodes { # COMPREPLY=() # cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" # opts=$(find $HOME/wleiden/genesis/nodes/ -mindepth 1 -type d | xargs -n 1 basename) # COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) ) # return 0 # } # complete -F _listnodes find_path.py # export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/wleiden/genesis/tools # # # Rick van der Zwet # import argparse import gformat import glob import os import re import subprocess import sys import time import tempfile import yaml from collections import defaultdict TMPFILE = '/tmp/test.dot' OUTFILE = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'network.png') LINK_SPECIFIC = False gateways = defaultdict(list) neighbors = defaultdict(list) datadumps = {} nodes = {} nodes_down = [] poel = {} t_start = time.time() def oprint(*args, **kwargs): print(">>> [%05.2f] " % (time.time() - t_start), end='', file=sys.stderr) print(*args, *kwargs, file=sys.stderr) def generate_network_tree(): link_type = {} link_data = {} oprint("# Load configuration files") try: for host in gformat.get_hostlist(): datadump = gformat.get_yaml(host) datadumps[host] = datadump if not datadump['status'] == 'up': nodes_down.append(host) if not args.dry_run: continue nodename = datadump['nodename'] iface_keys = [elem for elem in list(datadump.keys()) if (elem.startswith('iface_') and not "lo0" in elem)] nodes[nodename] = datadump for iface_key in iface_keys: # Bridge linked interfaces do not have IP address by themself if not 'ip' in datadump[iface_key]: continue # Annotation of device, no real key if '_extra' in iface_key: continue if not datadump[iface_key]['status'] == 'up': if not args.dry_run: continue l = datadump[iface_key]['ip'] addr, mask = l.split('/') # Not parsing of these folks please if not gformat.valid_addr(addr): continue addr = gformat.parseaddr(addr) mask = int(mask) addr = addr & ~((1 << (32 - mask)) - 1) nk = (nodename, iface_key) if addr in poel: poel[addr] += [nk] else: poel[addr] = [nk] # Assume all ns_ip to be 11a for a moment if 'ns_ip' in datadump[iface_key]: link_type[addr] = '11a' else: link_type[addr] = datadump[iface_key]['type'] link_data[addr] = 1 iface = datadump[iface_key]['autogen_ifname'] #print("### ... %s %s [%s] is of type %s" % (iface, gformat.showaddr(addr), iface_key, link_type[addr])) except (KeyError, ValueError) as e: print("[FOUT] in '%s' interface '%s'" % (host,iface_key)) print(e) sys.exit(1) oprint("# Prepare buren dictionary") for addr,leden in poel.items(): leden = sorted(set(leden)) for index,lid in enumerate(leden[:-1]): for buur in leden[index + 1:]: neighbors[lid[0]].append(buur[0]) neighbors[buur[0]].append(lid[0]) def find_shortest_paths(src): hop_cnt = 0 shortest_paths = defaultdict(list) shortest_paths[src] = [src] new_paths = [[src]] # List current path # Expand paths with new neighbors while new_paths: hop_cnt += 1 path_canidates = new_paths new_paths = [] for path_canidate in path_canidates: for neighbor in sorted(neighbors[path_canidate[-1]]): new_path = path_canidate + [neighbor] # Prune paths which are longer than already known path if neighbor in shortest_paths and len(shortest_paths[neighbor]) < len(new_path): continue # Register new shortest path shortest_paths[neighbor] = new_path # Claim path for expansion new_paths.append(new_path) return(shortest_paths) def find_shortest_path(src, dst): shortest_paths = find_shortest_paths(src) return shortest_paths[dst] def show_path(path): oprint("#", " -> ".join(path)) stack = path.copy() src = stack.pop(0) ip_path = [datadumps[src]['masterip']] # Walk path to find IP address of links while stack: dst = stack[0] for neighbors in poel.values(): nodes = ([x[0] for x in neighbors]) if src in nodes and dst in nodes: dst_iface_key = dict(neighbors)[dst] dst_iface_ip = datadumps[dst][dst_iface_key]['ip'].split('/')[0] ip_path.append(dst_iface_ip) break src = stack.pop(0) for i,(host,ip) in enumerate(zip(path, ip_path)): oprint("# %i: ... %s (%s)" % (i, host, ip)) oprint("") if args.external: (first_hop, ext_port) = datadumps[path[0]]["remote_access"].split(':') ip_path.pop(0) ip_path.insert(0, first_hop) else: ext_port = 22 cmd = "ssh -t -L -p %(ext_port)s " + \ " ssh -t -L %(port)s: ".join(ip_path) + \ " ssh -t -D %(port)s" print(cmd % { 'port': args.proxy_port, 'ext_port': ext_port}) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', help="Include nodes and links which are down") parser.add_argument('--proxy-port', default=6256, help="Use unique portnumber to avoid clashes on multi-logins") parser.add_argument('--external', action='store_true', help="Access source node via internet remote access") parser.add_argument('src', help="Source node") parser.add_argument('dst', help="Destination node") args = parser.parse_args() generate_network_tree() oprint("# Find shortest path") path = find_shortest_path(args.src, args.dst) oprint("# Display results") show_path(path) oprint("# All done")