# Indicate which version of ipfw are we using? # Currently only ipfw1 is recognized $IPFW = "ipfw1"; # .db extension will be appended automatically $dbfile = "/tmp/opensplash"; $pidfile = "/var/run/opensplash.pid"; # What IP address and port does Apache listen to? $gateway = ",8080"; # What subnet/netmask are wireless users sitting on? $wnet = ""; # Which ports should we forward/deny? # Leave port 80, as it is needed for HTTP redirects $fwdports = "80,21,23,25,110,443"; # Rule number for forwarding # Make it high, so perhaps we will not interfere with existing ones $fwdrulenum = "50000"; # How long are we going to allow them to use our internet? # for now just 5 minutes $browsetime = "300";