iDive - City wide scanning by your lcoal dumpster truck. The idea is that a small soekris kitted out with this software and equiped with a Prism2 (or 2.5) card and a GPS connected to either the serial port or the GPIO pin's is send on a city wide tour. Each WiFi AP is logged along with a lat-lon. When the machine gets within reach of a omni antenna it 'knows' it will dhcp an address and upload the gathered data to a web site. LICENSE license - please read and verify. README this file gather shell script which takes the gathered data at regular intervals and uploads it to a specific site. nmea quick tool to parse the NMEA output from a serial/GPIO device. patch-bsd-airtools.txt patch for airtools which has some extra pipe/tcp-server logging options. patch-bsd-airtools-2.txt patch for airtools to run headless and have some extra logging options. poster small footprint C client which is able to use HTTP-POST and multi-part forms to upload files onto a web server. www-end rudimentary code to run behind apache to process whatever the above poster uploads. Have fun. Dw. -- Dirk-Willem van Gulik /