(* Interface type definition and management *) open Common type ifacetype = | WIRED (* no notion of association *) | WIFI_CLIENT (* client of a master, can check for association *) | WIFI_MASTER (* master of several clients, can check the list of associated stations for a specific client *) type t = { name: string; itype: ifacetype; (* when was the last arpentries and associated update? *) mutable last_assoc_update: float; mutable last_arp_update: float; mutable arpentries: MAC.Set.t option; (* is type is master, this is the set of associated macaddrs*) mutable associated: MAC.Set.t option; (* is type is client, whether or not this iface is associated with a master *) mutable is_associated: bool option; } (* Constructor *) let make n = let iface_type name = (* This is pretty lame, but this is executed only once per interface at startup anyway, and it'd be a huge gob of code in lowlevel_c.c, so I'll leave it like this *) let c = Unix.open_process_in ("/sbin/ifconfig " ^ name) in let re = Str.regexp "^.*media: \\(.*\\)" in let l = Common.snarf_channel_for_re c re 2 in ignore(Unix.close_process_in c); if l = [] then WIRED else let media = (List.hd l).(1) in if LowLevel.strstr media "hostap" <> -1 then WIFI_MASTER else if LowLevel.strstr media "Wireless" <> -1 then WIFI_CLIENT else WIRED in { name = n; itype = iface_type n; last_assoc_update = -1.0; last_arp_update = -1.0; arpentries = None; associated = None; is_associated = None } let itype i = i.itype (* Return a MAC.Set of addresses that are associated with the given interface *) let associated ifname = Array.fold_left (fun a e -> MAC.Set.add e a) MAC.Set.empty (LowLevel.get_associated_stations ifname) (* Update the information about associations on the given interface, if it's been long enough since the last update. *) let update iface = let now = Unix.gettimeofday () in if (iface.itype = WIFI_MASTER && (Common.is_none iface.associated)) || (iface.last_assoc_update < (now -. Common.iface_assoc_update)) then begin if iface.itype = WIFI_MASTER then begin let a = associated iface.name in iface.associated <- Some a; Log.lazylog Log.debug (fun _ -> ["Associated stations:"]@ List.map MAC.ether_ntoa (MAC.Set.elements a)); end else if iface.itype = WIFI_CLIENT then iface.is_associated <- Some (LowLevel.iface_is_associated iface.name); iface.last_assoc_update <- now end; if iface.last_arp_update < (now -. Common.iface_arp_update) then begin let arptable = MAC.get_arptable iface.name in (* Fold the output of the lowlevel MAC.arptable into a set of mac addresses, which is all that's needed here. *) let arpset = IPMap.fold (fun _ -> MAC.Set.add) arptable MAC.Set.empty in iface.arpentries <- Some arpset; iface.last_arp_update <- now; Log.lazylog Log.debug (fun _ -> [MAC.show_arptable arptable]); end (* Is the given MAC address in the given interface's arp table? *) let in_arptable iface mac = update iface; MAC.Set.mem mac (Common.from_some iface.arpentries) (* Is the given mac address reachable over the given interface? *) let is_reachable iface mac = update iface; in_arptable iface mac && match iface.itype with WIRED -> true | WIFI_MASTER -> MAC.Set.mem mac (Common.from_some iface.associated) | WIFI_CLIENT -> Common.from_some iface.is_associated let is_nanostation iface = MAC.Set.exists (fun a -> let s = MAC.ether_ntoa a in let s' = String.sub s 0 8 in (String.compare s' "00:15:6d") == 0) (Common.from_some iface.arpentries)