(* Interface to functions in lowlevel_c.c *) (* Set hard limits on data and coredump size *) external set_limits: int -> int -> bool = "set_limits" (* For debugging purposes it's handy to be able to print a file descriptor. *) external int_of_file_descr: Unix.file_descr -> int = "int_of_file_descr" (* Given an address and a mask length (like, for example, 24), create a bitmask and apply it to the address *) external mask_addr: Unix.inet_addr -> int -> Unix.inet_addr = "mask_addr" (* Return whether or not the given interface is associated *) external iface_is_associated: string -> bool = "caml_iface_is_associated" (* daemon(3) *) external daemon: bool -> bool -> unit = "caml_daemon" (* bzip2 the given string. NEEDS TESTING. *) external string_compress: string -> string = "string_compress" (* bzip2 -d the given string. NEEDS TESTING. *) external string_decompress: string -> string = "string_decompress" (* ether_aton(3) *) external ether_aton: string -> string -> bool = "caml_ether_aton" (* ether_ntoa(3) *) external ether_ntoa: string -> string -> bool = "caml_ether_ntoa" (* getifaddrs(3). Will only return IPv4 addresses for now. *) external getifaddrs: unit -> ( string (* iface name *) * int (* iface flags *) * Unix.inet_addr (* iface addr *) * Unix.inet_addr option (* netmask *) * Unix.inet_addr option (* broadcast *) * Unix.inet_addr option) (* dst addr *) list = "caml_getifaddrs" (* How many bits in the given address are set? *) external bits_in_inet_addr: Unix.inet_addr -> int = "bits_in_inet_addr" (* strstr(3) *) external strstr: string -> string -> int = "caml_strstr" (* Given an address and a netmask, return all the usable addresses in that block. So will return and *) external get_addrs_in_block: Unix.inet_addr -> int -> Unix.inet_addr list = "get_addrs_in_block" (* Get the entire arp table. *) external get_arp_entries: unit -> ( string (* iface name *) * Unix.inet_addr (* IPv4 addr *) * string) (* MAC.t *) list = "get_arp_entries" (* Get all the MAC.t's that are associated with the interface with the given name. *) external get_associated_stations: string -> string array = "get_associated_stations" (* SHA1(3) *) external sha_string: string -> string = "sha_string" (* Return a primitively hexdumped version of the given (possibly binary) string. Useful when debugging. *) external hexdump_string: string -> string = "hexdump_string" (* Send the given string with the given priority to the syslog. These priorities are those as defined in Log.ml, /not/ the standard values from ! *) external syslog: int -> string -> unit = "caml_syslog" external pack_int: int -> string = "caml_pack_int" external unpack_int: string -> int = "caml_unpack_int" external open_rtsock: unit -> Unix.file_descr = "open_rtsock" (* Define the routing messages. There are a lot more, but it turns out these are either preceded or followed by RTM_NEWADDR's or RTM_DELADDR's. For our purpose it's enough to listen for those two *) type routemsg = RTM_NOTHING | RTM_NEWADDR of string * Unix.inet_addr * int | RTM_DELADDR of string * Unix.inet_addr * int (* RTM_NOTHING: nothing interesting RTM_NEWADDR: the interface with the given name got a new address and netmask RTM_DELADDR: the interface with the given name lost the given address and netmask *) external read_routemsg: Unix.file_descr -> routemsg = "read_routemsg" external compare_ipv4_addrs: Unix.inet_addr -> Unix.inet_addr -> int = "compare_ipv4_addrs" external route_includes_impl: Unix.inet_addr -> int -> Unix.inet_addr -> int -> bool = "route_includes_impl"