(* Main module. Start reading at the last function *) open Common open Log open Neighbor open Printexc (* First some globals. These are global because the signal handlers need to be able to set them when re-reading the node's configuration. *) (* A set of all neighbors *) let neighbors = ref Neighbor.Set.empty (* A dictionary mapping from interface name ('ep0', 'sis1', etc) to Iface.t *) let ifaces = ref StringMap.empty (* A list of Tree.nodes's for every one of 'our' addresses. *) let direct : Tree.node list ref = ref [] (* A list of address, netmask tuples of the same *) let directnets : (Unix.inet_addr * int) list ref = ref [] (* last broadcast timestamp *) let last_time = ref 0.0 (* An entry means that neighbor was unreachable last iteration *) let unreachable = ref Neighbor.Set.empty (* Resume from saved state on startup instead of a new, clean state *) let resume = ref false let quit = ref false let default_addrs = ref IPSet.empty (* See if any previously reachable neighbors became reachable or vice-versa *) let check_reachable _ = (* See what neighbors are unreachable. Per neighbor, fetch the corresponding Iface.t and see if it's reachable. *) let new_unreachable = Neighbor.Set.filter (fun n -> Log.log Log.debug ("looking at " ^ Neighbor.show n); let iface = StringMap.find (Neighbor.iface n) !ifaces in not (Neighbor.check_reachable n iface)) !neighbors in let newly_unreachable = Neighbor.Set.diff new_unreachable !unreachable in let newly_reachable = Neighbor.Set.diff !unreachable new_unreachable in let reachable_changed = not (Neighbor.Set.is_empty newly_unreachable) || not (Neighbor.Set.is_empty newly_reachable) in (* Log any changes *) if reachable_changed then begin let log s n = Log.log Log.info (Neighbor.show n ^ " became " ^ s) in Neighbor.Set.iter (log "unreachable") newly_unreachable; Neighbor.Set.iter (log "reachable") newly_reachable; end; (* And update the global *) unreachable := new_unreachable; reachable_changed (* This function is the main work horse. It: - merges received spanning trees into a new spanning tree. - derives a new routing table from the merged spanning tree - applies the changes between the old and the new routing table to the kernel (if configured to do so) - sends the new spanning tree to the neighbors *) let broadcast_run udpsockfd rtsockfd = Log.log Log.debug "starting broadcast run"; last_time := Unix.gettimeofday (); (* DEBUG: Dump the incoming trees to the filesystem *) Neighbor.Set.iter (fun n -> let nname = Neighbor.name n in let fname = !Common.tmpdir ^ "lvrouted.tree-" ^ nname in if Common.is_some n.tree then begin let out = open_out (!Common.tmpdir ^ "lvrouted.tree-" ^ nname) in output_string out (Tree.show [Common.from_some n.tree]); close_out out end else if Sys.file_exists fname then Sys.remove fname) !neighbors; let newroutes, nodes = Neighbor.derive_routes_and_mytree !directnets !neighbors !default_addrs in let nodes = List.append nodes !direct in (* DEBUG: dump the derived tree to the filesystem *) Tree.dump_tree "lvrouted.mytree" nodes; Neighbor.bcast udpsockfd nodes !neighbors; if !Common.real_route_updates then begin let deletes, adds, changes = Route.diff (Route.fetch ()) newroutes in (* log the updates *) let log_set t s = if Route.Set.is_empty s then [] else t::List.map Route.show (Route.Set.elements s) in Log.lazylog Log.info (fun _ -> log_set "Deletes:" deletes @ log_set "Adds:" adds @ log_set "Changes:" changes); (* commit the updates to the kernel *) try let delerrs, adderrs, changeerrs = Route.commit rtsockfd deletes adds changes in Log.lazylog Log.info (fun _ -> List.map (fun (r, s) -> Route.show r ^ " got error " ^ s) (delerrs @ adderrs @ changeerrs)); with Failure s -> Log.log Log.errors ("Couldn't update routing table: " ^ s) | _ -> Log.log Log.errors ("Unknown exception updating routing table") end else begin let out = open_out (!Common.tmpdir ^ "lvrouted.routes") in output_string out (Route.showroutes newroutes); close_out out; end; Log.log Log.debug "finished broadcast run" (* This function is called periodically from the select() loop. It decides whether or not to start a broadcast_run by checking for changes in reachability, expired trees or if it's just time to do so. *) let periodic_check udpsockfd rtsockfd = Log.log Log.debug "in alarm_handler"; let expired = Neighbor.nuke_old_trees !neighbors Common.timeout in let now = Unix.gettimeofday () in let its_time = (now -. !last_time) > !bcast_interval in (* If there's enough reason, derive a new routing table and a new tree and send it around. *) if check_reachable () || expired || its_time then broadcast_run udpsockfd rtsockfd let abort_handler _ = Log.log Log.info "Exiting."; quit := true (* For the given interface and netblock, add all possible neighbors to the global set *) let add_neighbors iface addr mask = if not (StringMap.mem iface !ifaces) then begin let i = Iface.make iface in ifaces := StringMap.add iface i !ifaces end; let addrs = List.filter ((<>) addr) (LowLevel.get_addrs_in_block addr mask) in List.iter (fun a -> let n = Neighbor.make iface a in neighbors := Neighbor.Set.add n !neighbors) addrs let delete_neighbors iface addr mask = let addrs = List.filter ((<>) addr) (LowLevel.get_addrs_in_block addr mask) in let to_delete = List.fold_left (fun s a -> let n = Neighbor.make iface a in Neighbor.Set.add n s) Neighbor.Set.empty addrs in neighbors := Neighbor.Set.diff !neighbors to_delete let add_address iface addr mask = if Common.addr_in_range addr then begin Log.log Log.info ("New address " ^ Unix.string_of_inet_addr addr ^ " on " ^ iface); let node = Tree.make addr [] in if not (List.mem node !direct) then begin direct := node::!direct; directnets := (addr, mask)::!directnets; end; if mask >= !Common.interlink_netmask then add_neighbors iface addr mask else Log.log Log.warnings("Address at " ^ Unix.string_of_inet_addr addr ^ " on " ^ iface ^ " ignored [netmask greater than " ^ string_of_int !Common.interlink_netmask ^ "]"); true end else begin Log.log Log.warnings ("Address at " ^ Unix.string_of_inet_addr addr ^ " on " ^ iface ^ " ignored [not in range " ^ Unix.string_of_inet_addr Common.min_routable ^ " - " ^ Unix.string_of_inet_addr Common.max_routable ^ "]"); false end let handle_routemsg udpsockfd rtsockfd = function LowLevel.RTM_NEWADDR (iface, addr, mask) -> if add_address iface addr mask then begin Log.log Log.info ("Added address " ^ Unix.string_of_inet_addr addr ^ " on " ^ iface); broadcast_run udpsockfd rtsockfd end | LowLevel.RTM_DELADDR (iface, addr, mask) -> if Common.addr_in_range addr then begin Log.log Log.info ("Deleted address " ^ Unix.string_of_inet_addr addr ^ " on " ^ iface); direct := List.filter (fun n -> Tree.addr n <> addr) !direct; directnets := List.filter (fun (a, _) -> a <> addr) !directnets; if mask >= !Common.interlink_netmask then delete_neighbors iface addr mask; broadcast_run udpsockfd rtsockfd end | _ -> () (* Clear and re-create the current configuration *) let read_config _ = (*Log.reopen_log ();*) Log.log Log.debug ("(Re)opening the config file '" ^ !Common.configfile ^ "'"); direct := []; directnets := []; ifaces := StringMap.empty; neighbors := Neighbor.Set.empty; List.iter (function (iface, _, addr, Some n, _, _) -> let mask = LowLevel.bits_in_inet_addr n in ignore(add_address iface addr mask) | _ -> ()) (LowLevel.getifaddrs ()); if !configfile <> "" then begin try let chan = open_in !configfile in let lines = snarf_lines_from_channel chan in close_in chan; let extraaddrs = List.map Unix.inet_addr_of_string lines in direct := !direct@(List.map (fun a -> Tree.make a []) extraaddrs); directnets := !directnets@(List.map (fun a -> a, 32) extraaddrs); with _ -> Log.log Log.warnings ("Couldn't read the specified config file '" ^ !configfile ^ "'"); end let version_info = ["Version info: "; "svn rev: " ^ string_of_int Version.version; "branch: " ^ Version.branch; "compile host: " ^ Version.host; "compile date: " ^ Version.date; "compiled by: " ^ Version.who; "ocamlopt: " ^ Version.ocamlopt; ] let print_version _ = List.iter (fun s -> print_string s; print_newline ()) version_info; exit 1 let dump_version _ = let out = open_out (!Common.tmpdir ^ "lvrouted.version") in List.iter (fun s -> output_string out (s ^ "\n")) version_info; close_out out (* This, and the converse read_state, aid in the debugging of problems on live installations on cramped nodes. kill -USR2 the daemon and all state will be dumped to lvrouted.state. copy to the development machine and read_state it and go from there. *) let dump_state _ = let state = !neighbors, !ifaces, !direct, !directnets, !unreachable, !MAC.arptables in let out = open_out (!Common.tmpdir ^ "lvrouted.state") in output_string out (Marshal.to_string state []); close_out out let read_state s = let neighbors', ifaces', direct', directnets', unreachable', arptables' = Marshal.from_string s 0 in neighbors := neighbors'; ifaces := ifaces'; direct := direct'; directnets := directnets'; unreachable := unreachable'; MAC.arptables := arptables' let parse_proxies s = Log.log Log.info ("default string " ^ s); let ss = Str.split (Str.regexp_string ",") s in let addrs = List.map Unix.inet_addr_of_string ss in default_addrs := List.fold_left (fun a e -> IPSet.add e a) IPSet.empty addrs let argopts = [ "-a", Arg.Set_float Common.alarm_timeout, "Interval between checking for interesting things"; "-b", Arg.Set_float Common.bcast_interval, "Interval between contacting neighbors"; "-c", Arg.Set_string Common.configfile, "Config file"; "-d", Arg.Set_int Log.loglevel, "Loglevel. Higher is chattier"; "-f", Arg.Set Common.foreground, "Stay in the foreground"; "-l", Arg.Set Common.use_syslog, "Log to syslog instead of /tmp/lvrouted.log"; "-m", Arg.Set_int Common.interlink_netmask, "Widest subnet to consider for interlinks"; "-p", Arg.Set_int Common.port, "UDP port to use"; (*"-r", Arg.Set resume, "Resume from saved state"; *) "-s", Arg.Set_string Common.secret, "Secret to sign packets with"; "-t", Arg.Set_string Common.tmpdir, "Temporary directory"; "-u", Arg.Set Common.real_route_updates, "Upload routes to the kernel"; "-v", Arg.Unit print_version, "Print version information"; "-z", Arg.String parse_proxies, "Addresses that the closest of which gets the default route"; ] (* This is the main function *) let _ = Log.log Log.info "Starting up"; Gc.set { (Gc.get ()) with Gc.space_overhead = 200 }; let tenmb = 10 * 1024 * 1024 in if LowLevel.set_limits tenmb tenmb then Log.log Log.info "Limits set" else Log.log Log.warnings "Couldn't set limits!"; Arg.parse argopts (fun s -> Log.log Log.debug ("unknown argument " ^ s)) "lvrouted"; Log.log Log.info "Parsed commandline"; if not !Common.foreground then begin LowLevel.daemon false false; Log.log Log.info "daemonized"; end; (* Open the UDP and the routing socket *) let udpsockfd = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_DGRAM 0 in Unix.setsockopt udpsockfd Unix.SO_REUSEADDR true; Unix.bind udpsockfd (Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_any, !Common.port)); let rtsockfd = LowLevel.open_rtsock () in Log.log Log.info "Opened and bound sockets"; (* Set up the signal handlers *) let set_handler f = List.iter (fun i -> Sys.set_signal i (Sys.Signal_handle f)) in set_handler abort_handler [Sys.sigabrt; Sys.sigquit; Sys.sigterm ]; set_handler (fun _ -> read_config ()) [Sys.sighup]; set_handler dump_version [Sys.sigusr1]; set_handler dump_state [Sys.sigusr2]; Log.log Log.info "Set signal handlers"; (* Read the configuration from the system, or restart from a saved checkpoint. Restarting doesn't work yet and the resume variable has been disabled until it's debugged. *) if not !resume then begin read_config (); end else begin read_state (Common.read_file (!Common.tmpdir ^ "lvrouted.state")); Log.log Log.info "Resumed from saved state"; end; Log.log Log.debug "Starting main loop"; let logfrom s = Log.log Log.debug ("got data from " ^ Unix.string_of_inet_addr (Common.get_addr_from_sockaddr s)) in let s = String.create 65536 in (* buffer to read into *) let readfds = [ udpsockfd; rtsockfd ] in let last_periodic_check = ref 0.0 in while not !quit do try (* Wait for interesting events *) let fds, _, _ = try Unix.select readfds [] [] !Common.alarm_timeout with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, _, _) -> [], [], [] in if List.mem udpsockfd fds then begin (* A packet came in on the UDP socket *) let len, sockaddr = Unix.recvfrom udpsockfd s 0 (String.length s) [] in logfrom sockaddr; try let s' = String.sub s 0 len in let out = open_out (!Common.tmpdir ^ "lvrouted.packet-" ^ Unix.string_of_inet_addr (Common.get_addr_from_sockaddr sockaddr)) in output_string out s'; close_out out; Neighbor.handle_data !neighbors s' sockaddr; Log.log Log.debug ("data handled"); with InvalidPacket -> Log.log Log.errors ("Invalid packet!") end; if List.mem rtsockfd fds then handle_routemsg udpsockfd rtsockfd (LowLevel.read_routemsg rtsockfd); let now = Unix.gettimeofday () in if !last_periodic_check < now -. !Common.alarm_timeout then begin periodic_check udpsockfd rtsockfd; last_periodic_check := now; end; with _ -> (* Exceptions should've been caught by now, so log this as a program error *) Printexc.print_backtrace stdout; Log.log Log.errors "Unhandled exception in main loop" done