(* Route type definition and management *) open Common type route = { addr: Unix.inet_addr; mask: int; gw: Unix.inet_addr; } (* Make a Set of routes. Consider two routes equal only when both their address and netmask are equal. The gateway can differ. This makes the set operations later on easier. The aggregator code does take different gateways into account. *) module Set = Set.Make(struct type t = route (* compare first on the address and then on the netmask *) let compare a b = match compare a.addr b.addr with | 0 -> compare a.mask b.mask | r -> r end) (* Constructor *) let make a m g = { addr = a; mask = m; gw = g } (* Does route a completely include b? *) let includes a b = LowLevel.route_includes_impl a.addr a.mask b.addr b.mask (* Does the given addr fall in the given route? *) let matches route addr = LowLevel.mask_addr route.addr route.mask = LowLevel.mask_addr addr route.mask let show r = Unix.string_of_inet_addr r.addr ^ "/" ^ string_of_int r.mask ^ " -> " ^ Unix.string_of_inet_addr r.gw (* turn a list of routes into a set of routes *) let make_set = List.fold_left (fun a r -> Set.add r a) Set.empty let showroutes rs = List.fold_left (fun a r -> a ^ "\t" ^ show r ^ "\n") "Route table:\n" (Set.elements rs) (* Given a list of routes, try to clump together as many routes as possible. Take the first route on the todo list: If the netmask is the minimum netmask, move the route to the done list and recurse. If the address is the same as the gateway address and it's a host route, drop it. Tree.merge can pass these in the routing table, and this is the most convenient place to remove them code-wise. Else expand the netmask by one bit. Check if it gobbles up any routes to different gateways. If so, move the unexpanded route to the done list and recurse. If not, remove all routes now covered by the newly expanded route from the todo list and recurse. Finally, take the now aggregated list of routes and create a set of routes, with the addresses of the routes masked according to their netmask. *) let aggregate routes = let rec aggregate' todo done_ = match todo with [] -> done_ | r::rs -> if r.mask = !Common.min_mask then aggregate' rs (r::done_) else if r.addr = r.gw && r.mask = 32 then aggregate' rs done_ else begin let r' = { r with mask = r.mask - 1 } in let f t = t.gw <> r.gw && includes r' t in if List.exists f (rs@done_) then aggregate' rs (r::done_) else let rs' = List.filter (fun t -> not (includes r' t)) rs in aggregate' (r'::rs') done_ end in List.fold_left (fun set r -> Set.add { r with addr = LowLevel.mask_addr r.addr r.mask} set) Set.empty (aggregate' (Set.elements routes) []) (* Given a set of old routes and a set of new routes, produce a list of routes to delete, a list of routes to add and a list of routes that changed their gateway. Deletes and adds are easy using set operations. Changes are less easy: - Build a map from address to route for both the old and the new routes - Intersect the old and the new routes. The set type orders on address and netmask, so the intersection has all routes for which neither address or netmask have changed. These should now be checked to see if they've changed gateways. - Fold this intersection, building the set of routes that changed gateways along the way. For the given route, look up old and new and compare the gateway. If different, add to the set, else pass along the set unaltered. *) let diff oldroutes newroutes = let dels = Set.diff oldroutes newroutes in let adds = Set.diff newroutes oldroutes in let oldmap = Set.fold (fun r -> IPMap.add r.addr r) oldroutes IPMap.empty in let newmap = Set.fold (fun r -> IPMap.add r.addr r) newroutes IPMap.empty in let isect = Set.inter oldroutes newroutes in let changes = Set.fold (fun r set -> let old_r = IPMap.find r.addr oldmap in let new_r = IPMap.find r.addr newmap in if old_r.gw <> new_r.gw then Set.add new_r set else set) isect Set.empty in dels, adds, changes (* Commit the given list of adds, deletes and changes to the kernel. Don't use directly, use commit instead. TODO: move to LowLevel.ml. This is not trivial because of a then cyclic include, which would need to be broken. *) external lowlevel_commit: Unix.file_descr (* sockfd *) -> route list (* deletes *) -> route list (* adds *) -> route list (* changes *) -> ( (route * string) list (* delete errors *) * (route * string) list (* add errors *) * (route * string) list) (* change errors *) = "routes_commit" (* Return a list of all routes with a gateway in the kernel route table. *) external lowlevel_fetch: unit -> route list = "routes_fetch" (* Return a list of all routes to routable addresses and with a gateway in the kernel route table. *) let fetch () = let rs = lowlevel_fetch () in make_set (List.filter (fun r -> Common.addr_in_range r.addr) rs) (* Commit the given list of adds, deletes and changes to the kernel. Attempt a maximum of five extra iterations of checking whether or not every change was applied, and redoing those that weren't. *) let commit fd dels adds chgs = let res = lowlevel_commit fd (Set.elements dels) (Set.elements adds) (Set.elements chgs) in let a = ref adds in (* Still to add *) let d = ref dels in (* Still to delete *) let _ = Common.try_max_times 5 (fun i -> Log.log Log.debug ("iteration " ^ string_of_int i); Unix.sleep 1; let rs = fetch () in d := Set.inter !d rs; Log.lazylog Log.debug (fun _ -> ["Still to delete:"; showroutes !d]); a := Set.diff !a rs; Log.lazylog Log.debug (fun _ -> ["Still to add:"; showroutes !a]); ignore(lowlevel_commit fd (Set.elements !d) (Set.elements !a) []); Set.cardinal !d = 0 && Set.cardinal !a = 0) in Log.lazylog Log.debug (fun _ -> ["Current routing table:"; showroutes (fetch ())]); res (* Try to have the kernel get rid of all gateway routes *) let flush fd = Log.log Log.debug "flushing routes"; let logerr (r, s) = Log.log Log.debug (show r ^ ": " ^ s) in Common.try_max_times Common.max_route_flush_tries (fun _ -> let rs = fetch () in Log.log Log.debug ("I have " ^ string_of_int (Set.cardinal rs) ^ " routes to delete"); let delerrs, _, _ = lowlevel_commit fd (Set.elements rs) [] [] in List.iter logerr delerrs; Set.cardinal rs = 0);