(* MAC address handling *) open Common (* A mac address is just a string, a string being the way to pass around binary data as well as printable data in ocaml. This string is always of length ETHER_ADDR_LEN (== 6) and is binary data. *) type t = string type arptable = string IPMap.t module Set = Set.Make(String) (* Keep one global map from interface name to interface-specific arp table, together with some information to be able to refresh it every now and then. *) let arptables = ref StringMap.empty let arptables_last_update = ref (-1.0) let ether_aton s = let s' = String.create 6 in if not (LowLevel.ether_aton s s') then raise (Failure "Cannot parse MAC address"); s' let ether_ntoa s = let s' = String.create 17 in if not (LowLevel.ether_ntoa s s') then raise (Failure "Invalid MAC address"); s' (* Return the arptable for the given interface. If it's time to update the global arptable hash, do so. Dereference the arp hash. *) let get_arptable iface : arptable = let now = Unix.gettimeofday () in if !arptables_last_update < now -. Common.arptables_update_every then begin Log.log Log.debug "getting arp entries"; let a = LowLevel.get_arp_entries () in arptables := List.fold_left (fun map (iface, ip, mac) -> let ifmap = try StringMap.find iface map with Not_found -> IPMap.empty in let ifmap = IPMap.add (ip, 32) mac ifmap in StringMap.add iface ifmap map) StringMap.empty a; arptables_last_update := now end; try StringMap.find iface !arptables with Not_found -> IPMap.empty let show_arptable h = IPMap.fold (fun (addr, _) mac a -> a ^ "\t" ^ Unix.string_of_inet_addr addr ^ " -> " ^ ether_ntoa mac ^ "\n") h "Arptable: \n"