Developed for/by WirelessLeiden, for license: Meshy is meant as a set of scripts which allows nodes to figure out for themself how to configure itself. The following scenario is used: label INIT 1. get a hostname from a friendly WirelessLeiden operator through serial console, or during factory-install label START 1. be quiet and have a look at what we've got on-board (wifi and copper) 2. for all wifi's: start (kismet?) listening 3. list all * AP's and register SNR 4. make client connection to all buggers around and check out copper if available 5. check out whether the stratum0 can be reached (virtual ip on center node?) and define cost label CONFIG INTERLINKS 1. get local config (which wifi=omni) through svn 2. make proposal interlink list from kismet file and available interlink wifi's (removing omni) 3. name interlink => stratum-m->stratum-m+1 4. configure not interlinked antenna's (except omni) as AP's 5. heck out reserved ipspaces with dns 6. if not reserved, make reservation in free ipspace range 7. configure clients with correct ip's and ssid's label CONFIG OMNI 1. check out if our name is reserved in dns 2. if so: config omni in this space 3. make reservation in next free ipspace, and config omni thinks to think about: let's play more with virtual ip's (will this be too dangerous with current ospf implementation??) - don't define hard dns forwarders, but use virt ip, make script on nodes with good dns connection to start shouting virt ip - do the same for svn (node-config) mirrors