#!/usr/bin/env python -O # Rick van der Zwet, (c) Dec 2006 # #Simple module to probe the network and draw a picture about it # Requirements # -pysnmp 2.x import sys import re # Import PySNMP modules from pysnmp import asn1, v1, v2c from pysnmp import role from common import * import binascii import pickle import getopt # Initialize defaults port = 161 retries = 1 timeout = 1 version = '2c' community = 'public' loglevel = 1 #Based on code Written by Ilya Etingof , 2000-2002 def snmp_call(hostname,head_oid): result = {} # Create SNMP manager object client = role.manager((hostname, port)) # Pass it a few options client.timeout = timeout client.retries = retries # Create a SNMP request&response objects from protocol version # specific module. try: req = eval('v' + version).GETREQUEST() nextReq = eval('v' + version).GETNEXTREQUEST() rsp = eval('v' + version).GETRESPONSE() except (NameError, AttributeError): print 'Unsupported SNMP protocol version: %s\n%s' % (version, usage) sys.exit(-1) # Store tables headers head_oids = [ head_oid ] # BER encode initial SNMP Object IDs to query encoded_oids = map(asn1.OBJECTID().encode, head_oids) # Traverse agent MIB while 1: # Encode SNMP request message and try to send it to SNMP agent # and receive a response (answer, src) = client.send_and_receive(\ req.encode(community=community, encoded_oids=encoded_oids)) # Attempt to decode SNMP response rsp.decode(answer) # Make sure response matches request (request IDs, communities, etc) if req != rsp: raise 'Unmatched response: %s vs %s' % (str(req), str(rsp)) # Decode BER encoded Object IDs. oids = map(lambda x: x[0], map(asn1.OBJECTID().decode, \ rsp['encoded_oids'])) # Decode BER encoded values associated with Object IDs. vals = map(lambda x: x[0](), map(asn1.decode, rsp['encoded_vals'])) # Check for remote SNMP agent failure if rsp['error_status']: # SNMP agent reports 'no such name' when walk is over if rsp['error_status'] == 2: # Switch over to GETNEXT req on error # XXX what if one of multiple vars fails? if not (req is nextReq): req = nextReq continue # One of the tables exceeded for l in oids, vals, head_oids: del l[rsp['error_index']-1] else: raise 'SNMP error #' + str(rsp['error_status']) + ' for OID #' \ + str(rsp['error_index']) # Exclude completed OIDs while 1: for idx in range(len(head_oids)): if not asn1.OBJECTID(head_oids[idx]).isaprefix(oids[idx]): # One of the tables exceeded for l in oids, vals, head_oids: del l[idx] break else: break if not head_oids: return result # Print out results for (oid, val) in map(None, oids, vals): if val: oid = oid.replace(head_oid,'',1) result[oid] = val # BER encode next SNMP Object IDs to query encoded_oids = map(asn1.OBJECTID().encode, oids) # Update request object req['request_id'] = req['request_id'] + 1 # Switch over GETNEXT PDU for if not done if not (req is nextReq): req = nextReq #credits to http://hachoir.org/browser/hachoir-core/trunk/hachoir_core/bits.py # #print binascii.b2a_hex(value) #with http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/496784 def str2hex(value, prefix="", glue=u"", format="%02X"): r""" Convert binary string in hexadecimal (base 16). >>> str2hex("ABC") u'414243' >>> str2hex("\xF0\xAF", glue=" ") u'F0 AF' >>> str2hex("ABC", prefix="0x") u'0x414243' >>> str2hex("ABC", format=r"\x%02X") u'\\x41\\x42\\x43' """ if isinstance(glue, str): glue = unicode(glue) if 0 < len(prefix): text = [prefix] else: text = [] for character in value: text.append(format % ord(character)) return glue.join(text) def visit_allowed(key): if key[0:7] == '172.16.': return True else: return False def log(string, level=1): if level <= loglevel: sys.stdout.write("[%i] %s \n" % (level, string)) def nodedisplay(ip): try: name = ip2node[ip] except: name = '' return ("%s [%s]" % (ip, name)) class Node: def addlocal(self,ip): self.local_ip.append(ip) def addexternal(self,ip): self.exteral_ip.append(ip) def linked(self,e_node): for l_ip in self.local_ip: for e_ip in e_node.exteral_ip: if l_ip == e_ip: return True return False def display(self): for l_ip in self.local_ip: print "local: %s" % nodedisplay(l_ip) for e_ip in self.exteral_ip: print "exteral: %s" % nodedisplay(e_ip) def __init__(self): self.local_ip = [] self.exteral_ip = [] def ip2name(infile): log("Using %s for conversion" % infile,2) ip2name= {} try: input = open(infile, 'r') except: return ip2name for line in input.readlines(): (k, l ) = line.rstrip("\n").split("|") ip2node[k] = l input.close() return ip2name def draw(infile,outfile,ip2name_infile): ip2node = ip2name(ip2name_infile) G=AGraph(directed=True) G.node_attr['style'] = 'filled' G.node_attr['shape'] = 'box' G.node_attr['color'] = 'green' G.graph_attr['splines']='true' G.graph_attr['overlap']='false' G.graph_attr['fixedsize']='false' file = open(infile, 'rb') nodes = pickle.load(file) file.close() list = nodes.keys() for k in list: k_node = nodedisplay(k) print "Node %s" % nodedisplay(k) for l in list: l_node = nodedisplay(l) if nodes[k].linked(nodes[l]): G.add_edge(l_node,k_node) print "-%s" % nodedisplay(l) G.layout() G.draw(outfile) log("File saved in '%s'" % outfile,2) def probe(hostname,outfile): to_visit = [ hostname ] log_l = 3 visited = { } ok_visit = [] failed_visit = [] ip2local = {} ip2external = {} nodes = {} while to_visit != []: hostname = to_visit.pop(0) if visited.has_key(hostname): log("%s Already visited, skipping" % hostname,log_l) else: log("---Processing host '%s', %i left, %i/%i ok/failed visited ---" %\ (hostname, len(to_visit), len(ok_visit), len(failed_visit)),log_l) #local ips try: local_ips = snmp_call(hostname,'.') #mac ips = mac_ips = snmp_call(hostname,'.') except: visited[hostname] = True failed_visit.append(hostname) log("Error: reading data",log_l) continue nodes[hostname] = Node() ok_visit.append(hostname) for key in local_ips.keys(): nodes[hostname].addlocal(key) visited[key] = True for key,value in mac_ips.iteritems(): key = re.sub('^[0-9]\.1\.','',key) mac = str2hex(value,'',':') log('%s - %16s : ' % (mac, key),log_l) string = '' if local_ips.has_key(key): string += "internal" else: nodes[hostname].addexternal(key) string += "external " if visited.has_key(key): string += "visited" elif key in to_visit: string += "already planned" else: if visit_allowed(key): string += "added to the list" to_visit.append(key) else: string += "not allowed to visit" log(string,log_l) o_file = open(outfile, 'wb') pickle.dump(nodes, o_file) o_file.close() log("Wrote output to '%s'" % outfile,log_l) def usage(): print '''usage %(prog)s --probe [--outfile=] %(prog)s --help ''' % { 'prog': sys.argv[0] } def main(): global loglevel try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hp::o::v::',\ ["help", "probe", "outfile=", "infile=","verbose="]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(128) action = False hostname = '' infile = False outfile = False for o, a in opts: log("Command '%s' = '%s'" % (o, a),2) if o in ("-v", "--verbose"): if a.isdigit(): loglevel = a else: loglevel = a.count('v') log("Loglevel now at %s" % loglevel,4) if o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() if o in ("-o", "--outfile"): outfile = a if o in ("-p", "--probe"): action = 'probe' print a if a: hostname = a if action == 'probe': if not outfile: outfile = 'data.pkl' probe(hostname,outfile) else: usage() sys.exit(128) if __name__ == "__main__": main()