#! /usr/bin/perl # # use POSIX; $hostname=`/bin/hostname`;chomp($hostname); $user=`id -un`;chomp($user); $unow=localtime(time()); my $infinity = 999999999; if ($ARGV[0] eq 'DEBUG') {shift(@ARGV);$DEBUG=1;} else {$DEBUG=0;} init(); calc_routes(); sub calc_routes { foreach $n (keys %edge) { foreach $n2 (keys %{$edge{$n}}) { if (exists ($edge{$n}{$n2})) { # print "EDGE: $n -> $n2 = $edge{$n}{$n2}\n"; } } } my $root; foreach $root (@node) { print "Doing routes for $root.\n"; open (ROUTES,">output/$root.txt"); open (STATIC,">output/$root.static.sh"); print STATIC < /dev/null while sleep 1 do netstat -nr | grep -q UGSc || break loops="x\$loops" echo Waiting for route table to flush: $loops if [ "\$loops" = "xxxxxxxxxx" ] then break fi route -nq flush 2> /dev/null done add() { route -nq add \$* || route -nq change \$* } EOS #for r in `netstat -rn | grep -v ':' | grep -v link | grep '^172' | cut -d ' '` #-f 1 ; do route delete $r ; done my %gws; my @u = @node; my @s; my %dist; my %prev; # first, set all distances to infinity foreach $n (@node) { $dist{$n} = $infinity; $prev{$n}=$n; } #foreach $n (@node) { delete($edge{$n}{$n}) } # .. except the source $dist{$root} = 0; #print "UNS: " . join(',',@u) . "\n"; # loop while we have unsolved nodes while (@u) { # sort unsolved by distance from root #print "SORT: "; # foreach $u (@u) {print "$u($dist{$u}) ";} # print "Sorting\n"; @u = sort {bydistance($dist{$a},$dist{$b})} @u; # we'll solve the closest node. push @s, $n = shift @u; #if ($DEBUG) {print "Solved: $n\n";} # now, look at all the nodes connected to n foreach $n2 (keys %{$edge{$n}}) { #print "Connected to $n: $n2\n"; # .. and find out if any of their estimated distances # can be improved if we go through n if (($dist{$n2} eq $infinity) || ($dist{$n2} > ($dist{$n} + $edge{$n}{$n2}) )) { #if ($dist{$n} eq $infinity) {next;} #print "Closer $n is to $root than $n2. $dist{$n} < $dist{$n2}\n"; $dist{$n2} = $dist{$n} + $edge{$n}{$n2}; $prev{$n2} = $n; } } } #print "PRINTING.\n"; my $path; #format STDOUT = #@<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>> @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # $n, $dist{$n}, $path; #. local (%metrics,%nexthop); foreach $n (@node) { my $t = $n; $path = "$t ($dist{$t})"; # print "PATH: $path\n"; my @path=($t); while ($t ne $root) { $t = $prev{$t}; $path = "$t ($dist{$t})-> " . $path; if (grep(/^$t$/,@path)) {print "LOOP $n -> $root: $t\n";last;} unshift(@path,$t); # print "t=$t $path\n"; } # write; print ROUTES "$path\n"; # print ROUTES join (" -> ",@path) . "\n"; shift(@path); # node self. if (@path) { $to=pop(@path); if (@path) {$gw=shift(@path);} else {$gw=$to;} $GW=$gw{$root}{$gw}; foreach $nw (@{$NWS{$to}}) { if (grep (/$nw/,@{$NWS{$root}})) {next;} # Skip nws on own interfaces $route="$nw/$NM{$nw}"; if (exists($metrics{$route})) { if ($metrics{$route} < $dist{$n}) {next;} } $metrics{$route}=$dist{$n}; $nexthop{$route}=$GW; } } } local (%counter); local($counter)=0; local($mask)=''; foreach $route (keys %nexthop) { $counter{$nexthop{$route}}++;$counter++;} if ($counter >0) { @most=sort {$counter{$a} <=> $counter{$b}} keys %counter; $most=shift (@most); if (($counter{$most} /$counter) > .5) {$mask=$most} } foreach $route (sort {$nexthop{$a} cmp $nexthop{$b}} keys %nexthop) { if ($mask) {if ($nexthop{$route} eq $mask) {next;}} if (grep (/$route/,@{$NWS{$root}})) {next;} $rr=$reverse{$route}; $nhr=$reverse{$nexthop{$route}}; $rr=~s/-$//gi; $rr=~s/^.node//gi; $nhr=~s/^.node//gi; print STATIC "add $route\t$nexthop{$route}\t# $rr\t-> $nhr\n"; } if ($mask) {print STATIC "route add $most\n";} close(ROUTES); close(STATIC); } # foreach root } sub init { local($a,$b,$c,$d)=split(/\./,""); $i172=($a<<24)+($b<<16)+($c<<8)+$d; open(NODES,"nodes") || die "$! nodes"; $last_revision=; chomp($last_revision); while () { chomp(); ($node,@ips)=split(/\|/); if ($DEBUG) {print "Doing: $node\n";} push(@NODES,$node); foreach $item (@ips) { ($IP,$COST)=split(/=/,$item); ($ip,$netmask,$broadcast,$network,$width)=calc_ip($IP); local($a,$b,$c,$d)=split(/\./,$ip); $ii=($a<<24)+($b<<16)+($c<<8)+$d; $net172=($ii & 0xfff00000); #print "$ip && 0xffc00000 = $net172 <> $i172\n"; if ($net172 ne $i172) {next;} # if ($ip=~/^172\.31\./) {next;} push(@{$NW2IPS{$network}},$ip); $IP2NODE{$ip}=$node; push(@{$NWS{$node}},$network); $NM{$network}=$width; $COST{$ip}=$COST; $reverse{$ip}=$node; if ($network!~/^172\.16\./) {$reverse{"$network/$width"}=$node;} else {$reverse{"$network/$width"}.="$node-";} } } close(NODES); foreach $node (@NODES) { if ($DEBUG) {print "Init: $node\n";} foreach $nw (@{$NWS{$node}}) { $count=$#{@{$NW2IPS{$nw}}}; foreach $ip (@{$NW2IPS{$nw}}) { if ($ip=~/^172\.31\./) {next;} $n=$IP2NODE{$ip}; if ($n eq $node) {next;} if (exists($edge{$node}{$n})) { if ($edge{$node}{$n} < $COST{$ip}) {next;} } $edge{$node}{$n}=$COST{$ip}; $gw{$node}{$n}=$ip; # gateway voor andere kant # print "$ip=$n "; } $CONNECTIONS{$node}+=$count; } if ($CONNECTIONS{$node} > 0) {push(@node,$node);} if ($DEBUG) {print "Init: $node $CONNECTIONS{$node}\n";} } } sub calc_ip { local($i)=@_; local($a,$b,$c,$d); local($ip,$width)=split(/\//,$i); local($a,$b,$c,$d)=split(/\./,$ip); local($ii)=($a<<24)+($b<<16)+($c<<8)+$d; if ($width eq 32) {$nm=0xffffffff;} else {$nm=0xffffffff-1<<(31-$width);} $nw=($ii & $nm); $br=$nw | (0xffffffff & ~$nm); $netmask=itoadr($nm);; $broadcast=itoadr($br);; $network=itoadr($nw); # $i=itoadr($ii); # printf"ip=$ip|width=$width|nm=%0x|$netmask|br=%0x|$broadcast|$i|\n",$nm,$br; return($ip,$netmask,$broadcast,$network,$width); } sub itoadr { local($ip)=@_; local($a,$b,$c,$d); $a=($ip & 0xff000000) >> 24; $b=($ip & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; $c=($ip & 0x0000ff00) >> 8; $d=($ip & 0x000000ff); return("$a.$b.$c.$d"); } ############################ tools ############ # a sorting option that accounts for infinity sub bydistance { local($a,$b)=@_; if ($a eq $infinity) {return(+1);} if ($b eq $infinity) {return(-1);} return($a <=> $b); }