package charts.series.bars { import; import; import flash.display.Sprite; import caurina.transitions.Tweener; import caurina.transitions.Equations; import flash.geom.Point; import global.Global; import charts.series.Element; import string.Utils; public class Base extends Element { protected var tip_pos:flash.geom.Point; protected var colour:Number; protected var group:Number; protected var top:Number; protected var bottom:Number; protected var mouse_out_alpha:Number; private var on_show_animate:Boolean; protected var on_show:Properties; public function Base( index:Number, props:Properties, group:Number ) { super(); this.index = index; this.parse_value(props); this.colour = props.get_colour('colour'); this.tooltip = this.replace_magic_values( props.get('tip') ); = group; this.visible = true; this.on_show_animate = true; this.on_show = props.get('on-show'); // remember what our original alpha is: this.mouse_out_alpha = props.get('alpha'); // set the sprit alpha: this.alpha = this.mouse_out_alpha; this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, this.mouseOver); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, this.mouseOut); // // This is UGLY!!! We need to decide if we are passing in a SINGLE style object, // or many parameters.... // if ( props.has('on-click') ) // <-- may be null/not set if( props.get('on-click') != false ) // <-- may be FALSE this.set_on_click( props.get('on-click') ); if( props.has('axis') ) if( props.get('axis') == 'right' ) this.right_axis = true; } // // most line and bar charts have a single value which is the // Y position, some like candle and scatter have many values // and will override this method to parse their value // protected function parse_value( props:Properties ):void { if ( !props.has('bottom') ) { // align to Y min OR zero props.set('bottom', Number.MIN_VALUE ); } = props.get('top'); this.bottom = props.get('bottom'); } protected function replace_magic_values( t:String ): String { t = t.replace('#top#', NumberUtils.formatNumber( )); t = t.replace('#bottom#', NumberUtils.formatNumber( this.bottom )); t = t.replace('#val#', NumberUtils.formatNumber( - this.bottom )); return t; } // // for tooltip closest - return the middle point // public override function get_mid_point():flash.geom.Point { // // bars mid point // return new flash.geom.Point( this.x + (this.width/2), this.y ); } public override function mouseOver(event:Event):void { this.is_tip = true; Tweener.addTween(this, { alpha:1, time:0.6, transition:Equations.easeOutCirc } ); } public override function mouseOut(event:Event):void { this.is_tip = false; Tweener.addTween(this, { alpha:this.mouse_out_alpha, time:0.8, transition:Equations.easeOutElastic } ); } // override this: public override function resize( sc:ScreenCoordsBase ):void {} // // tooltip.left for bars center over the bar // public override function get_tip_pos(): Object { return {x:this.tip_pos.x, y:this.tip_pos.y }; } // // Called by most of the bar charts. // Moves the Sprite into the correct position, then // returns the bounds so the bar can draw its self. // protected function resize_helper( sc:ScreenCoords ):Object { var tmp:Object = sc.get_bar_coords(this.index,; var bar_top:Number = sc.get_y_from_val(, this.right_axis); var bar_bottom:Number; if( this.bottom == Number.MIN_VALUE ) bar_bottom = sc.get_y_bottom(this.right_axis); else bar_bottom = sc.get_y_from_val(this.bottom, this.right_axis); var top:Number; var height:Number; var upside_down:Boolean = false; if( bar_bottom < bar_top ) { top = bar_bottom; upside_down = true; } else { top = bar_top; } height = Math.abs( bar_bottom - bar_top ); // // tell the tooltip where to show its self // this.tip_pos = new flash.geom.Point( tmp.x + (tmp.width / 2), top ); if ( this.on_show_animate ) this.first_show(tmp.x, top, tmp.width, height); else { // // move the Sprite to the correct screen location: // this.y = top; this.x = tmp.x; } // // return the bounds to draw the item: // return { width:tmp.width, top:top, height:height, upside_down:upside_down }; } protected function first_show(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number): void { this.on_show_animate = false; Tweener.removeTweens(this); // tr.aces('', this.on_show.get('type') ); var d:Number = x / this.stage.stageWidth; d *= this.on_show.get('cascade'); d += this.on_show.get('delay'); switch( this.on_show.get('type') ) { case 'pop-up': this.x = x; this.y = this.stage.stageHeight + this.height + 3; Tweener.addTween(this, { y:y, time:1, delay:d, transition:Equations.easeOutBounce } ); break; case 'drop': this.x = x; this.y = -height - 10; Tweener.addTween(this, { y:y, time:1, delay:d, transition:Equations.easeOutBounce } ); break; case 'fade-in': this.x = x; this.y = y; this.alpha = 0; Tweener.addTween(this, { alpha:this.mouse_out_alpha, time:1.2, delay:d, transition:Equations.easeOutQuad } ); break; case 'grow-down': this.x = x; this.y = y; this.scaleY = 0.01; Tweener.addTween(this, { scaleY:1, time:1.2, delay:d, transition:Equations.easeOutQuad } ); break; case 'grow-up': this.x = x; this.y = y+height; this.scaleY = 0.01; Tweener.addTween(this, { scaleY:1, time:1.2, delay:d, transition:Equations.easeOutQuad } ); Tweener.addTween(this, { y:y, time:1.2, delay:d, transition:Equations.easeOutQuad } ); break; case 'pop': this.y = top; this.alpha = 0.2; Tweener.addTween(this, { alpha:this.mouse_out_alpha, time:0.7, delay:d, transition:Equations.easeOutQuad } ); // shrink the bar to 3x3 px this.x = x + (width/2); this.y = y + (height/2); this.width = 3; this.height = 3; Tweener.addTween(this, { x:x, y:y, width:width, height:height, time:1.2, delay:d, transition:Equations.easeOutElastic } ); break; default: this.y = y; this.x = x; } } } }