package charts.series.pies { import string.Utils; import charts.series.has_tooltip; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.text.TextFormat; public class PieLabel extends TextField implements has_tooltip{ public var is_over:Boolean; private static var TO_RADIANS:Number = Math.PI / 180; public function PieLabel( style:Object ) { this.text = style.label; // legend_tf._rotation = 3.6*value.bar_bottom; var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); fmt.color = string.Utils.get_colour( style.colour ); fmt.font = "Verdana"; fmt.size = style['font-size']; fmt.align = "center"; this.setTextFormat(fmt); this.autoSize = "left"; this.mouseEnabled = false; } public function move_label( rad:Number, x:Number, y:Number, ang:Number ):Boolean { //text field position var legend_x:Number = x+rad*Math.cos((ang)*TO_RADIANS); var legend_y:Number = y+rad*Math.sin((ang)*TO_RADIANS); //if legend stands to the right side of the pie if(legend_x 0) && (this.y > 0) && (this.y + this.height < this.stage.stageHeight ) && (this.x+this.width