package charts.series.pies { import charts.series.Element; import charts.Pie; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.GradientType; import flash.geom.Matrix; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.text.TextFormat; import; import; import caurina.transitions.Tweener; import caurina.transitions.Equations; public class PieSlice extends Element { private var TO_RADIANS:Number = Math.PI / 180; private var colour:Number; public var slice_angle:Number; private var border_width:Number; public var angle:Number; public var is_over:Boolean; public var nolabels:Boolean; private var animate:Boolean; private var finished_animating:Boolean; public var value:Number; private var gradientFill:Boolean; private var label:String; private var pieRadius:Number; private var rawToolTip:String; public var position_original:flash.geom.Point; public var position_animate_to:flash.geom.Point; public function PieSlice( index:Number, value:Properties ) { this.colour = value.get_colour('colour'); this.slice_angle = value.get('angle'); this.border_width = 1; this.angle = value.get('start'); this.animate = value.get('animate'); this.nolabels = value.get('no-labels'); this.value = value.get('value'); this.gradientFill = value.get('gradient-fill'); this.index = index; this.rawToolTip = value.get('tip'); this.label = this.replace_magic_values( value.get('label') ); this.tooltip = this.replace_magic_values( value.get('tip') ); // TODO: why is this commented out in the patch file? // this.attach_events(); if ( value.has('on-click') ) this.set_on_click( value.get('on-click') ); this.finished_animating = false; } // // This is called by the tooltip when it is finished with us, // it is only used in modes the pie does not support // public override function set_tip( b:Boolean ):void {} // // for most objects this is handled in Element, // and this tip is displayed just above that object, // but for PieSlice we want the tooltip to follow // the mouse: // public override function get_tip_pos():Object { var p:flash.geom.Point = this.localToGlobal( new flash.geom.Point(this.mouseX, this.mouseY) ); return {x:p.x,y:p.y}; } private function replace_magic_values( t:String ): String { t = t.replace('#label#', this.label ); t = t.replace('#val#', NumberUtils.formatNumber( this.value )); t = t.replace('#radius#', NumberUtils.formatNumber( this.pieRadius )); return t; } public override function get_tooltip():String { this.tooltip = this.replace_magic_values( this.rawToolTip ); return this.tooltip; } // // the axis makes no sense here, let's override with null and write our own. // public override function resize( sc:ScreenCoordsBase ): void { } public function pie_resize( sc:ScreenCoordsBase, radius:Number): void { this.pieRadius = radius; this.x = sc.get_center_x(); this.y = sc.get_center_y(); var label_line_length:Number = 10;; //line from center to edge this.border_width, this.colour, 1 ); // 0, 0, 0 ); //if the user selected the charts to be gradient filled do gradients if( this.gradientFill ) { //set gradient fill var colors:Array = [this.colour, this.colour];// this.colour]; var alphas:Array = [1, 0.5]; var ratios:Array = [100,255]; var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix(); matrix.createGradientBox(radius*2, radius*2, 0, -radius, -radius); //matrix.createGradientBox(this.stage.stageWidth, this.stage.stageHeight, (3 * Math.PI / 2), -150, 10);, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix); } else, 1);, 0);, 0); var angle:Number = 4; var a:Number = Math.tan((angle/2)*TO_RADIANS); var i:Number = 0; var endx:Number; var endy:Number; var ax:Number; var ay:Number; //draw curve segments spaced by angle for ( i = 0; i + angle < this.slice_angle; i += angle) { endx = radius*Math.cos((i+angle)*TO_RADIANS); endy = radius*Math.sin((i+angle)*TO_RADIANS); ax = endx+radius*a*Math.cos(((i+angle)-90)*TO_RADIANS); ay = endy+radius*a*Math.sin(((i+angle)-90)*TO_RADIANS);, ay, endx, endy); } //when aproaching end of slice, refine angle interval angle = 0.08; a = Math.tan((angle/2)*TO_RADIANS); for ( ; i+angle < slice_angle; i+=angle) { endx = radius*Math.cos((i+angle)*TO_RADIANS); endy = radius*Math.sin((i+angle)*TO_RADIANS); ax = endx+radius*a*Math.cos(((i+angle)-90)*TO_RADIANS); ay = endy+radius*a*Math.sin(((i+angle)-90)*TO_RADIANS);, ay, endx, endy); } //close slice;, 0); if (!this.nolabels) this.draw_label_line( radius, label_line_length, this.slice_angle ); // return; if( this.animate ) { if ( !this.finished_animating ) { this.finished_animating = true; // have we already rotated this slice? Tweener.addTween(this, { rotation:this.angle, time:1.4, transition:Equations.easeOutCirc, onComplete:this.done_animating } ); } } else { this.done_animating(); } } private function done_animating():void { this.rotation = this.angle; this.finished_animating = true; } // draw the line from the pie slice to the label private function draw_label_line( rad:Number, tick_size:Number, slice_angle:Number ):void { //draw line // TODO: why is this commented out? // 1, this.colour, 100 ); //move to center of arc // TODO: need this? //*Math.cos(slice_angle/2*TO_RADIANS), rad*Math.sin(slice_angle/2*TO_RADIANS)); // //final line positions //var lineEnd_x:Number = (rad+tick_size)*Math.cos(slice_angle/2*TO_RADIANS); //var lineEnd_y:Number = (rad+tick_size)*Math.sin(slice_angle/2*TO_RADIANS); //, lineEnd_y); } public override function toString():String { return "PieSlice: "+ this.get_tooltip(); } public function getTicAngle():Number { return this.angle + (this.slice_angle / 2); } public function isRightSide():Boolean { return (this.getTicAngle() >= 270) || (this.getTicAngle() <= 90); } public function get_colour(): Number { return this.colour; } } }