package charts.series.pies { import charts.series.Element; import; import caurina.transitions.Tweener; import caurina.transitions.Equations; import flash.geom.Point; //import; import; public class PieSliceContainer extends Element { private var TO_RADIANS:Number = Math.PI / 180; private var animating:Boolean; private var pieSlice:PieSlice; private var pieLabel:PieLabel; private var pieRadius:Number; private var tick_size:Number = 10; private var tick_extension_size:Number = 4; private var label_margin:Number = 2; private var animationOffset:Number = 30; private var saveX:Number; private var saveY:Number; private var moveToX:Number; private var moveToY:Number; private var original_alpha:Number; // // this holds the slice and the text. // we want to rotate the slice, but not the text, so // this container holds both // public function PieSliceContainer( index:Number, value:Properties ) { // // replace magic in the label: // // value.set('label', this.replace_magic_values( value.get('label') ) ); tr.aces( 'pie', value.get('animate') ); this.pieSlice = new PieSlice( index, value ); this.addChild( this.pieSlice ); var textlabel:String = value.get('label'); // // we set the alpha of the parent container // this.alpha = this.original_alpha = value.get('alpha'); // if ( !value.has('label-colour') ) value.set('label-colour', value.get('colour')); var l:String = value.get('no-labels') ? '' : value.get('label'); this.pieLabel = new PieLabel( { label: l, colour: value.get('label-colour'), 'font-size': value.get('font-size'), 'on-click': value.get('on-click') } ) this.addChild( this.pieLabel ); this.attach_events__(value); this.animating = false; } public function is_over():Boolean { return this.pieSlice.is_over; } public function get_slice():Element { return this.pieSlice; } public function get_label():PieLabel { return this.pieLabel; } // // the axis makes no sense here, let's override with null and write our own. // public override function resize( sc:ScreenCoordsBase ): void {} public function is_label_on_screen( sc:ScreenCoordsBase, slice_radius:Number ): Boolean { return this.pieLabel.move_label( slice_radius + 10, sc.get_center_x(), sc.get_center_y(), this.pieSlice.angle+(this.pieSlice.slice_angle/2) ); } public function pie_resize( sc:ScreenCoordsBase, slice_radius:Number ): void { this.pieRadius = slice_radius; // save off value for later use this.pieSlice.pie_resize(sc, slice_radius); var ticAngle:Number = this.getTicAngle(); this.saveX = this.x; this.saveY = this.y; this.moveToX = this.x + (animationOffset * Math.cos(ticAngle * TO_RADIANS)); this.moveToY = this.y + (animationOffset * Math.sin(ticAngle * TO_RADIANS)); if (this.pieLabel.visible) { var lblRadius:Number = slice_radius + this.tick_size; var lblAngle:Number = ticAngle * TO_RADIANS; this.pieLabel.x = this.pieSlice.x + lblRadius * Math.cos(lblAngle); this.pieLabel.y = this.pieSlice.y + lblRadius * Math.sin(lblAngle); if (this.isRightSide()) { this.pieLabel.x += this.tick_extension_size + this.label_margin; } else { //if legend stands to the left side of the pie this.pieLabel.x = this.pieLabel.x - this.pieLabel.width - this.tick_extension_size - this.label_margin - 4; } this.pieLabel.y -= this.pieLabel.height / 2; this.drawTicLines(); } } public override function get_tooltip():String { return this.pieSlice.get_tooltip(); } public override function get_tip_pos():Object { var p:flash.geom.Point = this.localToGlobal( new flash.geom.Point(this.mouseX, this.mouseY) ); return {x:p.x,y:p.y}; } // // override this. I think this needs to be moved into an // animation manager? // // BTW this is called attach_events__ because Element has an // attach_events already. I guess we need to fix one of them // protected function attach_events__(value:Properties):void { // // TODO: either move this into properties //'moo'); // or get rid of type checking // var animate:Object = value.get('animate'); if (!(animate is Array)) { if ((animate == null) || (animate)) { animate = [{"type":"bounce","distance":5}]; } else { animate = new Array(); } } var anims:Array = animate as Array; // // end to do // this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, this.mouseOver_first, false, 0, true); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, this.mouseOut_first, false, 0, true); for each( var a:Object in anims ) { switch( a.type ) { case "bounce": // weak references so the garbage collector will kill them: this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, this.mouseOver_bounce_out, false, 0, true); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, this.mouseOut_bounce_out, false, 0, true); this.animationOffset = a.distance; break; default: // weak references so the garbage collector will kill them: this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, this.mouseOver_alpha, false, 0, true); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, this.mouseOut_alpha, false, 0, true); break; } } } // // stop multiple tweens from running // public function mouseOver_first(event:Event):void { if ( this.animating ) return; this.animating = true; Tweener.removeTweens(this); } public function mouseOut_first(event:Event):void { Tweener.removeTweens(this); this.animating = false; } public function mouseOver_bounce_out(event:Event):void { Tweener.addTween(this, {x:this.moveToX, y:this.moveToY, time:0.4, transition:"easeOutBounce"} ); } public function mouseOut_bounce_out(event:Event):void { Tweener.addTween(this, {x:this.saveX, y:this.saveY, time:0.4, transition:"easeOutBounce"} ); } public function mouseOver_alpha(event:Event):void { Tweener.addTween(this, { alpha:1, time:0.6, transition:Equations.easeOutCirc } ); } public function mouseOut_alpha(event:Event):void { Tweener.addTween(this, { alpha:this.original_alpha, time:0.8, transition:Equations.easeOutElastic } ); } public function getLabelTopY():Number { return this.pieLabel.y; } public function getLabelBottomY():Number { return this.pieLabel.y + this.pieLabel.height; } // Y value is from 0 to sc.Height from top to bottom public function moveLabelDown( sc:ScreenCoordsBase, minY:Number ):Number { if (this.pieLabel.visible) { var bAdjustToBottom:Boolean = false; var lblTop:Number = this.getLabelTopY(); if (lblTop < minY) { // adjustment is positive var adjust:Number = minY - lblTop; if ((this.pieLabel.height + minY) > (sc.bottom - 1)) { // calc adjust so label bottom is at bottom of screen adjust = sc.bottom - this.pieLabel.height - lblTop; bAdjustToBottom = true; } // Adjust the Y value this.pieLabel.y += adjust; if (!bAdjustToBottom) { var lblRadius:Number = this.pieRadius + this.tick_size; var calcSin:Number = ((this.pieLabel.y + this.pieLabel.height / 2) - this.pieSlice.y) / lblRadius; calcSin = Math.max( -1, Math.min(1, calcSin)); var newAngle:Number = Math.asin(calcSin) / TO_RADIANS; if ((this.getTicAngle() > 90) && (this.getTicAngle() < 270)) { newAngle = 180 - newAngle; } else if (this.getTicAngle() >= 270) { newAngle = 360 + newAngle; } var newX:Number = this.pieSlice.x + lblRadius * Math.cos(newAngle * TO_RADIANS); if (this.isRightSide()) { this.pieLabel.x = newX + this.tick_extension_size + this.label_margin; } else { //if legend stands to the left side of the pie this.pieLabel.x = newX - this.pieLabel.width - this.tick_extension_size - this.label_margin - 4; } } } this.drawTicLines(); return this.pieLabel.y + this.pieLabel.height; } else { return minY; } } // Y value is from 0 to sc.Height from top to bottom public function moveLabelUp( sc:ScreenCoordsBase, maxY:Number ):Number { if (this.pieLabel.visible) { var sign:Number = 1; var bAdjustToTop:Boolean = false; var lblBottom:Number = this.getLabelBottomY(); if (lblBottom > maxY) { // adjustment is negative here var adjust:Number = maxY - lblBottom; if ((maxY - this.pieLabel.height) < ( + 1)) { // calc adjust so label top is at top of screen adjust = - this.getLabelTopY(); bAdjustToTop = true; } // Adjust the Y value this.pieLabel.y += adjust; if (!bAdjustToTop) { var lblRadius:Number = this.pieRadius + this.tick_size; var calcSin:Number = ((this.pieLabel.y + this.pieLabel.height / 2) - this.pieSlice.y) / lblRadius; calcSin = Math.max( -1, Math.min(1, calcSin)); var newAngle:Number = Math.asin(calcSin) / TO_RADIANS; if ((this.getTicAngle() > 90) && (this.getTicAngle() < 270)) { newAngle = 180 - newAngle; sign = -1; } else if (this.getTicAngle() >= 270) { newAngle = 360 + newAngle; } var newX:Number = this.pieSlice.x + lblRadius * Math.cos(newAngle * TO_RADIANS); if (this.isRightSide()) { this.pieLabel.x = newX + this.tick_extension_size + this.label_margin; } else { //if legend stands to the left side of the pie this.pieLabel.x = newX - this.pieLabel.width - this.tick_extension_size - this.label_margin - 4; } } } this.drawTicLines(); return this.pieLabel.y; } else { return maxY; } } public function get_radius_offsets() :Object { // Update the label text here in case pie slices change dynamically //var lblText:String = this.getText(); //this.myPieLabel.setText(lblText); var offset:Object = { top:animationOffset, right:animationOffset, bottom:animationOffset, left:animationOffset }; if (this.pieLabel.visible) { var ticAngle:Number = this.getTicAngle(); var offset_threshold:Number = 20; var ticLength:Number = this.tick_size; if ((ticAngle >= 0) && (ticAngle <= 90)) { offset.bottom = (ticAngle / 90) * ticLength + this.pieLabel.height / 2 + 1; offset.right = ((90 - ticAngle) / 90) * ticLength + this.tick_extension_size + this.label_margin + this.pieLabel.width; } else if ((ticAngle > 90) && (ticAngle <= 180)) { offset.bottom = ((180 - ticAngle) / 90) * ticLength + this.pieLabel.height / 2 + 1; offset.left = ((ticAngle - 90) / 90) * ticLength + this.tick_extension_size + this.label_margin + this.pieLabel.width + 4; } else if ((ticAngle > 180) && (ticAngle < 270)) { = ((ticAngle - 180) / 90) * ticLength + this.pieLabel.height / 2 + 1; offset.left = ((270 - ticAngle) / 90) * ticLength + this.tick_extension_size + this.label_margin + this.pieLabel.width + 4; } else // if ((ticAngle >= 270) && (ticAngle <= 360)) { = ((360 - ticAngle) / 90) * ticLength + this.pieLabel.height / 2 + 1; offset.right = ((ticAngle - 270) / 90) * ticLength + this.tick_extension_size + this.label_margin + this.pieLabel.width; } } return offset; } protected function drawTicLines():void { if ((this.pieLabel.text != '') && (this.pieLabel.visible)) { var ticAngle:Number = this.getTicAngle(); var lblRadius:Number = this.pieRadius + this.tick_size; var lblAngle:Number = ticAngle * TO_RADIANS; var ticLblX:Number; var ticLblY:Number; if (this.pieSlice.isRightSide()) { ticLblX = this.pieLabel.x - this.label_margin; } else { //if legend stands to the left side of the pie ticLblX = this.pieLabel.x + this.pieLabel.width + this.label_margin + 4; } ticLblY = this.pieLabel.y + this.pieLabel.height / 2; var ticArcX:Number = this.pieSlice.x + this.pieRadius * Math.cos(lblAngle); var ticArcY:Number = this.pieSlice.y + this.pieRadius * Math.sin(lblAngle); // Draw the line from the slice to the label; 1, this.pieSlice.get_colour(), 1 ); // move to the end of the tic closest to the label, ticLblY); // draw a line the length of the tic extender if (this.pieSlice.isRightSide()) { - this.tick_extension_size, ticLblY); } else { + this.tick_extension_size, ticLblY); } // Draw a line from the end of the tic extender to the arc, ticArcY); } } public function getTicAngle():Number { return this.pieSlice.getTicAngle(); } public function isRightSide():Boolean { return this.pieSlice.isRightSide(); } } }