Thist file contains a (very) short howto for the NanoBSD work environment package, NanoBSD_ENV. !PLEASE NOTE that the install is based and tested on FreeBSD 7.1 release. - Extract the latest NanoBSD_ENV package to the root of your host. # tar xfz NanoBSD_ENV_v05.tar.gz - Run the following script to create symlinks for the NanoBSD work environment # sh /usr/local/data/scripts/ - Compile a new NanoBSD installation as follows: # cd /usr/src/tools/tools/nanobsd # sh -c Cfg/nanobsd.wleiden - Set CNodeName when cust_node_config macro is running ### log: /usr/obj/nanobsd.wleiden//_.cust.cust_node_config ### cust_node_config is a shell function CNodeHuub - Output in /usr/obj/nanobsd.wleiden - Pre-compiled images are added to ../data/images