# Revisie: $Id$ = Software maintenance Wireless Leiden Nodes = Projectleider : Ed Kikkert Projectbuddy : Andre van Brussels Datum : 08-05-2007 Status : Collection the big points to focus on Timeline : 20th of may - Inventory of the all the point to take care of 28th of may - Half of the points worked out in details 4th of june - Three kwarter of the points worked out in details 11th of june - Complete worked out all of the points in detail Dependencies : What is in the basicsystem == Goal == Keep the software up to date with less bugs and vulnerabilities and securety leeks. Auto update software where possible with the use of rsync, svn or other transfer methode. Reporting updates thats needs to be done and those are done on node level. == Automatic Software upgrades == Automatic software upgrades give always have the most up-to-date version of software on the nodes. As soon as the software has been tested it will be released to the operational nodes. Updates must be done to ensure that the operating system and all packages are with the latest security patches. A check for updates at least once a month. == Need to know == What is running on the node as this will increase the ability to identify potential harmful processes. == Tools to use == * Portaudit * Mailing lists (BugTraq, FreeBSD security) * portupgrade == Kernel == * Stabl versionse * Gzip version to keep if smal * Backup kernel * Modules == Packages == * SNMP * DHCPD == Userland Programs == * To fill in == Configuration check == * Genesis * xml parser * svn * Exodus == Security == * Auhhorized keys * Access levels * Firewall == Routing == * LVrouting * Olsr * Mesh * Ospf * bgp == Services == * DHCP * DNS * Load Balancing * Proxy * Status page * Captive Portal * ntp == Monitoring == * SNMP trap * Scripts * Syslog * Nagios == Hardware control == * Watchdog * Temperature * Harddrive * Fans * Powersupply